A Gui Based Application that can reserve a seat for a long distance bus route
The bus ticket booking system is a java project that maintains the official records of tours and travels. The whole system is made in Netbeans IDE.
It also supports back-end using database.
- Back End support
- Admin and User Dashboard with Login Systems
- Booking Tickets
- Cancel Tickets
- Reservation System
- Management of Employees
- Display of user details
- Display of admin Details
- Displays the information of Bus fare, seats Available , Buses Available
- Choosing System for destination and dates
Installing Netbeans IDE and running the main project i.e., the BusManagement.java .
Will work when adding JFrame to each page. And then running the commands :
cd src
cd bus
cd management
javac BusManagement.java
java BusManagement
Using phpmyadmin we can dispay and manage the database to the admin or the account handler
The local "bootRun" task has the following prerequisites:
- a MySQL instance up and runnning on localhost
- a MySql user having root : root password:
- a database named busm
- Need to give the datarange for specifically for seeing the avilable tickets.
- Admin has full access to user Deatils.
- It only provides Bus Reservation
- Hosting online.
- Sending Message to users after reservation and cancellation of tickets.
- Exceeding the Range of Database.
- Maintaining a permanent databases each for a specific one, unlike the temporary database used in this project.