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04. Density Check Area

bud-aj29 edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 6 revisions


In Minecraft Bedrock Edition density checking is foundational to a mob spawning. In Bedrock a general mob can only spawn if the following conditions are met:

  1. Total mob loaded in the world is less than 200 total
  2. Mobs of the same "cap" are not exceeding the density limit
    • Example, Hostile cave mobs in 1.18 have a density cap of 16
  3. individual monsters density cap is not exceeded
  4. light conditions are correct for the mob
  • What is Density

    Density is measured from the spot the mob _would_ be spawned. 
    So this is measured from the Spawn platforms not the AFK spots. 
    Density is chunk aligned and counts the mobs for the 4 chunk grid around the spawn spot. 
    This includes chunks that were unloaded but loaded since the last server restart 
    (yes there are ways to have mobs in unloaded chunks that are not counted, 
    but this pack doesn't deal with that strange use case).

How To Use

To use this feature, place the armor stand on center block of checking area, and apply key item to armor stand.