Converts .gltf and .obj scenes to HydraXML format. Optionally, can also output single .vsgf2 mesh.
- Clone and build HydraAPI.
- Clone SceneConverter.
- Configure using CMake - set paths to HydraAPI sources and dependencies, USE_GL to the same value as your HydraAPI build.
- Build with GCC on Linux or MSVC on Windows (use the same MSVC version as HydraAPI)
scene-converter /path/to/scene.gltf /path/to/hydra/scenelib [OPTIONS]
Options can include:
- --collapse - all meshes and their instances in the input scene will be merged into one, result will be saved as .vsgf2 file
- --convert-materials - (only for .gltf scenes) pbr metallic-roughness materials will be approximately converted to native Hydra Renderer material format
- HydraAPI
- Single header libraries (LiteMath, tinygltf, stb_image) which are included in this repo.