The rasberry_perception package aims to interleave ROS and deep learning frameworks for perception. If using any of the models in research please contact Raymond Kirk to obtain the relevant citation and ensure no conflict of interest.
roslaunch rasberry_perception detector.launch backend:="detectron2" password:="obtain_from_raymond" image_ns:="/your_camera/colour" depth_ns:="/your_camera/depth" score:="0.5"
Cuda 10.2 must be installed locally to run gpu based backends.
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
catkin build rasberry_perception
Modular detection backends are available in rasberry_perception
enabling users to utilise deep learning
frameworks/non-ros methods to detect objects.
You can try to launch both the backend and detector with the command below:
# Run together (will download the backend from docker_hub if it exists)
roslaunch rasberry_perception detector.launch colour_ns:="" depth_ns:="" score:="" show_vis:="" backend:="" backend_arg1:=""
# Or run separately! (Will use a local installation of the backend if available)
rosrun rasberry_perception backend:="" backend_arg1:=""
roslaunch rasberry_perception detector.launch colour_ns:='' depth_ns:='' score:=''
Adding custom backends such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Detectron, Onnx etc. to rasberry_perception
is easy.
See interfaces for examples.
A simple example given in four steps, register the name in the detection registry with the class decorator (1), inherit from the
base (2), implement the service call logic (3) and finally add to the __all__
here (4).
import ros_numpy
from rasberry_perception.interfaces.default import BaseDetectionServer
from rasberry_perception.msg import Detections, ServiceStatus
@DETECTION_REGISTRY.register_detection_backend("CustomBackendName") # (1)
class CustomVisionBackend(BaseDetectionServer): # (2)
# These args are passed from ros parameters when running the backend
def __init__(self, custom_arg1, custom_arg2, default_arg1="hello"):
# Do your imports here i.e import image_to_results_function
# Do initialisation code here
self.busy = False
BaseDetectionServer.__init__(self) # Spins the server and waits for requests!
def get_detector_results(self, request): # (3)
if self.busy: # Example of other status responses
return GetDetectorResultsResponse(status=ServiceStatus(BUSY=True))
# Populate a detections message
detections = Detections()
# i.e. detections = image_to_results_function(image=ros_numpy.numpify(request.image))
return GetDetectorResultsResponse(status=ServiceStatus(OKAY=True), results=detections)
When launching the detection server via rosrun
or roslaunch
you can pass in arguments to your custom backend as you
would usually. The node will fail if you do not pass any non-default arguments such as custom_arg1
and custom_arg2
in the example.
rosrun rasberry_perception backend:="CustomBackendName" _custom_arg1:="a1" _custom_arg2:="a2" _default_arg1"="world"