This project is intended to help you download spotify user playlists as mp3 files.
The song names are extracted using the spotify api and then located and downloaded from youtube as mp3 files.
- To run this project you will need to have a paid spotify account in order to get your client id and api key.
First clone the project
git clone
Next install the required packages
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
To use the program you will need your spotify client id and your spotify secret key to be able to access the spotify api.
To get them, follow these steps:
Go to the spotify developer section
Log into your Spotify account.
Click on ‘Create an app’.
Enter an ‘App name’ and an ‘App description’ and mark the checkboxes.
After the app is created you will see your ‘Client Id’. Then can click on ‘Show client secret` to reveal your ’Client secret key’.
- The spotify user name can be located in the the url for the user's main page for example,< user name >
Next edit the .env file in the project folder and include the spotify credentials.
SPOTIFY_SECRET = "Your spotify secret key"
SPOTIFY_CLIENT = "Your spotify client ID"
Now you can run the python script directly from the command line
This will prompt you to enter the download path and the spotify username that has the playlists to download.
you can also input the arguments directly in the command line:
python3 --path <download path for the mp3 folders> --uname <the spotify username>
You can also run the script on multiple users at one time.
Simply update the users.txt file with a list of users to download from.
make sure to add each user name in a new line
next mark the file as executable and run it from the command line:
Make sure to include the main download path as the first positional argument
$ chmod +x
$ ./ <main download path>