- Add a parallax top view to any UIScrollView
- Inspired by apps like foursquare or path
- Easy configuring right from interface builder. No code required!
- Supports any UIScrollView
- Use any UIView for the top view
- Rich delegation methods for:
- Top view tap
- Pan over boundary
- Full size top view
- Scroll states
- Uses plain views that already exist in your UIViewController
- Keep contol of your UIScrollView delegate
- Works with Storyboards
- Developed for iOS7 (but should by compatible to iOS 5 - but not tested)
Add this line to the Podfile
pod 'RDParallaxController'
Most annoying issue is #1, current workaround causes some blinks when popping view controller. I would appreciate if you find a good solution.
- QMBParallaxScrollViewController — this was original parallax controller, mine derivative does not requires viewControllers for top and bottom view and easier to configure from storyboard
- M6ParallaxController
- A3ParallaxScrollView
- MDCParallaxVie