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Christian Fillion edited this page Jan 16, 2020 · 11 revisions


  1. Update LangPacks to current REAPER version

Update LangPacks to current REAPER Version

With new updates of REAPER come langpack strings addition, and sometimes deletion. To update a LangPack to current REAPER version, you have to use a command line tool (cmd.exe on Windows or the Terminal on MacOS / Linux, or even Git Shell which is cross-platform), and a LangPack template file provided by Cockos.

  1. Go to
  2. If is not already done, download the merge_langpacks tool according to your operating system. Eg: for Windows, it is merge_langpacks.exe.
  3. Download the latest template version available. Eg: template_reaper532rc1.ReaperLangPack. It may not match the last REAPER version. If it does not, then go back later. It can take a bit of time. Ask Cockos to update the template file if you need.
  4. Put the merge_lanpacks, the LangPack template and your LangPack (which you want to update) in a same directory.
  5. Using a Command Line Tool, browse to the directory (cd path command)
  6. Run the merging by typing merge_langpacks template_reaper.ReaperLangPack mylanguage.ReaperLangPack > newlanguage.ReaperLangPack (replace files names so that it match yours).
  7. A new file newlanguage.ReaperLangPack is created: it is the result of the merging!

ReaperLangPack Syntax

  • ; at line start means that the string is untranslated
  • ;^ at line start means the string is already translated in [common] section, but you can overide the translation here localy.


You can use any code editor to translate ReaperLangPacks.

On Windows, you can use NotePad++ and the X-Raym ReaperLangPack Color Syntax to make the translation easier.

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