Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Reach5'
and other dependencies, for Social Login, as needed:
pod 'Reach5Facebook'
pod 'Reach5Google'
pod 'Reach5WeChat'
Open the following menu item in Xcode:
File > Add Package Dependencies...
In the Search or Enter Package URL search box enter this URL:
Then, select the dependency rule and press Add Package.
Or directly add it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift or the Package list in Xcode
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "7.0.0"))
Refer to the public documentation to install the SDKs and to initialize your ReachFive client.
The basics are:
- Configuration:
let reachfive: ReachFive = ReachFive(sdkConfig: SdkConfig(domain: "DOMAIN", clientId: "CLIENT_ID"))
- Initialisation:
Call this method (that makes a network call) inside the corresponding method of UIApplicationDelegate
reachfive.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
In addition to the libraries, we provide in the Sandbox
directory a simple iOS application which integrates the ReachFive SDKs.
To configure this demo application and learn how to use this SDK, refer to contributing
You'll find the documentation of the methods exposed on
Please refer to changelog to see the descriptions of each release.
Please refer to contributing