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New Release

Alon Grinberg Dana edited this page Jul 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

To make a new ARC release, do the following:

  • On GitHub, click releases
    • give the tag version, e.g., 1.1.0
    • give a release title, e.g., ARC Version 1.1.0
    • Give a full description of changes since the last release, including PR numbers. Use the following headers to separate changes: New features, Bug Fixes, Documentation, Miscellaneous, Backward incompatible changes, New dependencies.
    • (don't actually release yet...)
  • Create a new branch (e.g., release1.1.0), and commit the following changes:
    • Increase the version in (VERSION)
    • Add the above release notes to the release.rst in the documentation (note that rst requires line breaks between different list levels). Under ARC/docs type make html and make sure all changes look good.
  • Push the branch, wait for tests, merge.
  • Publish the release on GitHub (should include the latest version increase commit)
  • If you'd like to issue a new DOI for this release, go to, click Upload, review the changes (make sure all authors appear and their names and ORCIDs are correct) and click Publish.
  • Increase the version in (in the release badge link) and update the DOI badge link.
  • Modify the How to cite ARC section of the documentation, possibly as a new PR.
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