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ReadyTalk's Gradle Plugins

Build Status

In all of the examples below, you need to connect to our public binary repo managed by JFrog:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url =


More extensible Protobuf support with Gradle!

buildscript {
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.readytalk.gradle-plugins:proto:<version>'

dependencies {
  proto (
    group: 'com.readytalk.protobuf',
    name: "protoc",
    version: '',
    configuration: 'compiler'

  compile ""

// apply plugin: 'proto-base'
// apply plugin: 'proto-java'
// apply plugin: 'proto-as3'

proto-base Plugin

Adds the following items:

  • proto configuration
  • proto extension
  • setupProtoc task
  • generateMainProtocol ProtoCompile task which runs protoc:
  • packageProtoc Zip task which zips up your .proto files

proto-java Plugin

This plugin plays well with the java plugin from Gradle and ties into the opinionated Java build lifecycle. For example, the standard compileMainJava is configured by the proto-java plugin to add the build/src/main/java sourceset and compiles it along with your sources in src/main/java.


  • a protobuf compiler is declared in the proto configuration
  • the protobuf-java.jar has been added to the compile configuration so it available on your classpath during compilation
  • generateMainProtocol task compiles src/main/proto/**/*.proto files into .class files in build/src/main/java.

proto-as3 Plugin

This plugin plays well with the gradlefx plugin from GradleFX and enables you to generate .swc files from .proto files


A collection of miscellaneous tasks that we use inside of a few projects at ReadyTalk.

buildscript {
  // Include repositories definition above

  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.readytalk.gradle-plugins:tasks:<version>'

import com.readytalk.gradle.tasks.SignJar // Gradle-ified version of Ant's SignJar task


At ReadyTalk we produce our own internal Gradle Wrapper which eases the ability for developers to connect to our internal artifact repository and adhere to project, build, test, and quality conventions. We're also able to control build changes and Gradle improvements across the board much easier with our wrapper.

This project isn't our internal wrapper, but is the project that enables us to produce our internal wrapper better, inspired by this blog post

Getting Started

Basic Setup

buildscript {
  // Include repositories definition above

  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.readytalk.gradle-plugins:wrapper-creator:<version>'

apply plugin: 'wrapper-creator'

wrapperCreator {
  // extension to configure some global things, such as:
  gradleVersion = "2.0"

// packageWrapper task by default injects any .gradle file in src/main/gradle into the Gradle zip's init.d directory

More Advanced Usage

// Optional
downloadGradle {
  // downloads Gradle with version = wrapperCreator.gradleVersion

packageWrapper {
  // task that does takes a stock version of Gradle and injects your init scripts (located at src/main/gradle) and places them in the Gradle zip in the correct location

  // Additional Functionality