Releases: RealDoigt/simple-stupid-object-notation
2.0 release
Second Release
Well, this is it, this is the culmination of some on and off work. So this was the next step in SSON; make it available in all languages which I consider myself decent or fluent in with the exception of C, SQL, XSL, CSS and HTML. I think it was fairly obvious why I didn't make an implementation in SQL, XSL, CSS and HTML as those are domain specific languages and C is just a pain in the neck because it doesn't have hashmaps and the strings functions it has are sincerely not really fun to use. What's less obvious though is why did I start adding implementations in other languages; well it actually started as a suggestion from back when I first showcased the project and I decided that as a personal challenge, I would do it in as many languages as I know. Later, some people started their own sson implementation projects in Lisp, Umka, Ruby and C. I wanted to wait for them, but I either never heard back from them or they told me they gave up, so sson essentially remains a "me" project which unfortunately is more about my needs than the rest of the world. Oh well.
Anyways, moving on, the next objective will be to heavily test and fix the implementations in Java and PHP, which have not been as rigorously tested as the other implementations for lack of time, motivation and the simple fact that I tend to not use those two languages as often as the others. I don't know when, but there will eventually be a final release which will have all issues I can find fixed. Then SSON will be complete and I'll be able to move on to other projects, including a more advanced version of SSON, which I still don't know if I want it to be a separate thing or an evolution of the SSON spec, we shall see. But that will take some time until then and I have no intent to do anymore work on this project until at least next year, which is why I'm doing this pre-release.
Thank you for the stars, follows and the nice comments and see you when things get interesting again!
SSON First Release
Can you believe it? I screwed up the first release by forgetting that Kate generates temp files lol. Anyways, even though I'll probably be the only one to actually use it in a project, see you until SSON needs new features!