This custom resource allows for a little more sophistication and a little less hassle when configuring stack resources that require VPC, Subnet, and Availability Zone parameters.
Rather than manually selecting subnets within a VPC and also needing to specify matching availability zone (often several times), a VPC can be queried by this resource to provide to correct values based on filter criteria.
This custom resource can be installed on your AWS account by deploying the CloudFormation template at cloud-formation/cloud-formation.yml, and then updating the Lambda function it creates with the code from python/
The Lambda function's ARN, which is needed for use as a service token when
using this custom resource in your CloudFormation templates, will be exported
as an output with the name ${AWS::StackName}-FunctionArn
. This service
token will also be stored in
Systems Manager Parameter Store
Once installed, you can test the custom resource by using the CloudFormation template at cloud-formation/example-cloud-formation.yml, which will create a stack using outputs from the custom resource.
The syntax for declaring this resource:
Type: "AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource"
Version: "1.0"
SubnetFilters: [...]
Type: String Required: Yes
Type: String Required: Yes
Type: List of Filter Objects
Required: No (the default behavior is to return all subnets in the VPC)
For additional information, see the AWS documentation on the DescribeSubnets API
When the logical ID of this resource is provided to the Ref intrinsic function, Ref returns a meaningless GUID that is not useful for any purpose.
Fn::GetAtt returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes.
A list of SubnetIds within the VPC that meet the optional filter criteria.
A list of availability zones for subnets within the VPC that meet the optional filter criteria
The CIDR Block of the VPC. e.g.