McAFuse was developed as a Master's thesis project in Computer Science of Andrea Canepa (@A-725-K) in collaboration with RealityNet (Reality Net System Solutions).
This project aim is to bring to the DFIR community an open source utility to handle encrypted disk images built with McAfee FDE
toolset during digital investigations. It exposes a static FUSE read-only filesystem containing 2 files:
- SafeBoot.disk: a plain FAT partition present in the encrypted disk
- encdisk.img: the encrypted disk
To run this project you have to clone or download this repository, with the command:
git clone
Then you have to install the Python3
libraries using the requirements file:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally you can launch
with the requested parameters.
You have to run this command from your terminal, as a superuser:
./ [-h/--help] [--debug] [-i/--info] [-a/--all] [-v/--verbose] MOUNT_POINT DISK_IMAGE [-k/--keyfile KEY_FILE]
where the following are mandatory:
- MOUNT_POINT: the new root of the static filesystem you are going to serve
- DISK_IMAGE: the encrypted image of the disk you want to analyze
and these are optional:
- -k/--keyfile KEY_FILE: the XML file provided by McAfee FDE installation containing a <key> tag with base64 encoded password to decrypt the disk
- -h/--help: print the help and quit immediately
- -i/--info: print the disk information gathered from SafeBootDiskInfo
- -a/--all: expose all disk and not only an encrypted volume
- -v/--verbose: to print more information on the execution
- --debug: print debug information
In case a keyfile is not specified, only SafeBoot.disk will be provided to the final user.
- Andrea Canepa - Computer Science, UNIGE - DFIR 2021
- Francesco Picasso - RealityNet - DFIR 2021
- Giovanni Lagorio - Computer Science Teacher, UNIGE - DFIR 2021