You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 110
Paul Parau edited this page Dec 23, 2016
9 revisions
Configuration of the metrics library can be done using the Config property of the static Metric class.
The root context name for metrics inside a process can be configured in the following ways (in decreasing order of priority):
- Set the environment variable: Metrics.GlobalContextName
- Set the app settings key Metrics.GlobalContextName
- If none of the above is set the default is MachineName.ProcessName
The global context name can contain the following variable placeholders:
$Env.MachineName$ will be replaced with the machine name -
$Env.ProcessName$ will be replaced with the process name -
$Env.AppDomainAppVirtualPath$ will be replaced with the app virtual path -
$Env.$ will be replaced with the corresponding environment variable
.WithReporting(config => config
.WithCSVReports(@"c:\temp\reports\", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30))
.WithTextFileReport(@"C:\temp\reports\metrics.txt", TimeSpan.FromHours(1))
The following settings can be placed in the app.config ( or web.config ) file to control a few aspects of the Metrics.NET library:
<!-- Completely disable all metrics -->
<add key="Metrics.CompletelyDisableMetrics" value="true"/>
<!-- Equivalent of calling Metric.Config.WithHttpEndpoint("http://localhost:1234/") -->
<add key="Metrics.HttpListener.HttpUriPrefix" value="http://localhost:1234/"/>
<!-- Equivalent of calling
Metric.Config.WithReporting(config =>
config.WithCSVReports(@"..\MetricsCSV\", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))
<add key="Metrics.CSV.Path" value="..\MetricsCSV\"/>
<add key="Metrics.CSV.Interval.Seconds" value="10"/>
<!-- Specify how many times a scheduled reporter can consecutively fail to push data.
-1 : unlimited
0 : reporter stops trying to send data once an attempt to push fails (default)
x>0 : reporter tolerates x consecutive failures. If the number of failures is greater than x, the reporter stops.
Regardless of setting, each failure is handled by the MetricsErrorHandler.
<add key="Metrics.Reports.ToleratedConsecutiveFailures" value="3"/>
For any issues please use the GitHub issues. For any other questions and ideas feel free to ping us: @PaulParau, @HinteaDan, @BogdanGaliceanu.