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  • make sure you are using python > 3.7+
  • setup virtualenv using virtualenv env and activate it
  • run pip install -e "." to install dependencies. keep updated
    • rerun pip install -e "." if you make changes to models/source code. not needed for testcase changes
  • run pytest --mypy --black --isort --cov=rush --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term to run your tests
    • if black formatting tests fail, just run black . from your top level directory. Alternatively you can setup black in vscode (I highly recommend setting up all three "format on paste/save/type")
    • if isort formatting tests fail, just run isort . from your top level directory.
  • to run tests on a particular file, go to pytest.ini file and add the file name to the end
    • example:
        addopts = -p no:warnings src/test/
  • all source code is under src/rush/ . That is where you should make your code
  • docker kill rush_pg
  • psql postgresql://alem_user:password@localhost:5680/alem_db