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feat: Add --format json to connect command
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* It is possible to run connect command with CLI option
  --format json. In this case output is in machine
  readable format
* TODO: more testing and more refactoring
  • Loading branch information
jirihnidek committed Jul 19, 2024
1 parent 46473af commit c703920
Showing 1 changed file with 181 additions and 45 deletions.
226 changes: 181 additions & 45 deletions main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,16 +105,18 @@ func showTimeDuration(durations map[string]time.Duration) {
// showErrorMessages shows table with all error messages gathered during action
func showErrorMessages(action string, errorMessages map[string]LogMessage) error {
if hasPriorityErrors(errorMessages, log.CurrentLevel()) {
fmt.Printf("The following errors were encountered during %s:\n\n", action)
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 2, ' ', 0)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(w, "TYPE\tSTEP\tERROR\t")
for step, logMsg := range errorMessages {
if logMsg.level <= log.CurrentLevel() {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v\t%v\t%v\n", logMsg.level, step, logMsg.message)
if !uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
fmt.Printf("The following errors were encountered during %s:\n\n", action)
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 2, ' ', 0)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(w, "TYPE\tSTEP\tERROR\t")
for step, logMsg := range errorMessages {
if logMsg.level <= log.CurrentLevel() {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v\t%v\t%v\n", logMsg.level, step, logMsg.message)
_ = w.Flush()
_ = w.Flush()
if hasPriorityErrors(errorMessages, log.LevelError) {
return cli.Exit("", 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,84 +271,181 @@ func registerRHSM(ctx *cli.Context) (string, error) {
return successMsg, nil

// beforeConnectAction ensures that user has supplied a correct CLI options
// and there is no conflict between provided options
func beforeConnectAction(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// First check if machine-readable format is used
err := setupFormatOption(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err

username := ctx.String("username")
password := ctx.String("password")
organization := ctx.String("organization")
activationKeys := ctx.StringSlice("activation-key")

if len(activationKeys) > 0 {
if username != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("--username and --activation-key can not be used together")
if organization == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("--organization is required, when --activation-key is used")

// When machine-readable format is used, then additional requirements have to be met
if uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
if username != "" {
if password == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("--password is required, when --username and machine-readable format are used")
return nil

// connectAction tries to register system against Red Hat Subscription Management,
// gather the profile information that the system will configure
// connect system to Red Hat Insights and it also tries to start rhcd service
// connect system to Red Hat Insights, and it also tries to start rhcd service
func connectAction(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var connectResult ConnectResult
var machineReadablePrintFunc func(connectResult *ConnectResult) error

connectResult.format = ctx.String("format")
format := ctx.String("format")
switch format {
case "json":
machineReadablePrintFunc = printJSONConnectResult

// When printing of status is requested, then print machine-readable file format
// at the end of this function
if uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
defer func(connectResult *ConnectResult) {
// When exit code is zero, then print machine-readable output
// When exit code has non-zero value, then disconnectResult is returned as a error
if connectResult.exitCode == 0 && machineReadablePrintFunc != nil {
err := machineReadablePrintFunc(connectResult)
// When it was not possible to print result of disconnect to machine-readable format, then
// change returned error to CLI exit error to be able to set exit code to
// a non-zero value
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to print status as %s document: %s", format, err.Error()))

connectResult.exitCode = 0

uid := os.Getuid()
if uid != 0 {
return cli.Exit(fmt.Errorf("error: non-root user cannot connect system"), 1)
errMsg := "non-root user cannot disconnect system"
exitCode := 1
if uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
connectResult.UID = uid
connectResult.UIDError = errMsg
connectResult.exitCode = exitCode
return cli.Exit(connectResult, exitCode)
} else {
return cli.Exit(fmt.Errorf("error: %s", errMsg), exitCode)

var start time.Time
durations := make(map[string]time.Duration)
errorMessages := make(map[string]LogMessage)
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
connectResult.Hostname = hostname
if err != nil {
return cli.Exit(err, 1)
exitCode := 1
if uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
connectResult.HostnameError = err.Error()
connectResult.exitCode = exitCode
return cli.Exit(connectResult, exitCode)
} else {
return cli.Exit(err, exitCode)

fmt.Printf("Connecting %v to %v.\nThis might take a few seconds.\n\n", hostname, Provider)
rhcPrintf("Connecting %v to %v.\nThis might take a few seconds.\n\n", hostname, Provider)

var start time.Time
durations := make(map[string]time.Duration)
errorMessages := make(map[string]LogMessage)
/* 1. Register to RHSM, because we need to get consumer certificate. This blocks following action */
start = time.Now()
var returnedMsg string
returnedMsg, err = registerRHSM(ctx)
if err != nil {
connectResult.RHSMConnected = false
errorMessages["rhsm"] = LogMessage{
level: log.LevelError,
message: fmt.Errorf("cannot connect to Red Hat Subscription Management: %w",
uiSettings.iconError + " Cannot connect to Red Hat Subscription Management\n",
if uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
connectResult.RHSMConnectError = errorMessages["rhsm"].message.Error()
} else {
uiSettings.iconError + " Cannot connect to Red Hat Subscription Management\n",
} else {
fmt.Printf(uiSettings.iconOK + " " + returnedMsg + "\n")
connectResult.RHSMConnected = true
rhcPrintf(uiSettings.iconOK + " " + returnedMsg + "\n")
durations["rhsm"] = time.Since(start)

/* 2. Register insights-client */
if errors, exist := errorMessages["rhsm"]; exist {
if errors.level == log.LevelError {
uiSettings.iconError + " Skipping connection to Red Hat Insights\n",
if rhsmErrMsg, exist := errorMessages["rhsm"]; exist && rhsmErrMsg.level == log.LevelError {
connectResult.InsightsConnected = false
uiSettings.iconError + " Skipping connection to Red Hat Insights\n",
} else {
start = time.Now()
err = showProgress(" Connecting to Red Hat Insights...", registerInsights)
if err != nil {
connectResult.InsightsConnected = false
errorMessages["insights"] = LogMessage{
level: log.LevelError,
message: fmt.Errorf("cannot connect to Red Hat Insights: %w",
fmt.Printf(uiSettings.iconError + " Cannot connect to Red Hat Insights\n")
rhcPrintf(uiSettings.iconError + " Cannot connect to Red Hat Insights\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf(uiSettings.iconOK + " Connected to Red Hat Insights\n")
connectResult.InsightsConnected = true
rhcPrintf(uiSettings.iconOK + " Connected to Red Hat Insights\n")
durations["insights"] = time.Since(start)

/* 3. Start yggdrasil (rhcd) service */
if errors, exist := errorMessages["rhsm"]; exist {
if errors.level == log.LevelError {
uiSettings.iconError+" Skipping activation of %v service\n",
if rhsmErrMsg, exist := errorMessages["rhsm"]; exist && rhsmErrMsg.level == log.LevelError {
connectResult.YggdrasilStarted = false
uiSettings.iconError+" Skipping activation of %v service\n",
} else {
start = time.Now()
progressMessage := fmt.Sprintf(" Activating the %v service", ServiceName)
err = showProgress(progressMessage, activateService)
if err != nil {
connectResult.YggdrasilStarted = false
errorMessages[ServiceName] = LogMessage{
level: log.LevelError,
message: fmt.Errorf("cannot activate %s service: %w",
ServiceName, err)}
fmt.Printf(uiSettings.iconError+" Cannot activate the %v service\n", ServiceName)
if uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
connectResult.YggdrasilStartedError = errorMessages[ServiceName].message.Error()
} else {
rhcPrintf(uiSettings.iconError+" Cannot activate the %v service\n", ServiceName)
} else {
fmt.Printf(uiSettings.iconOK+" Activated the %v service\n", ServiceName)
connectResult.YggdrasilStarted = true
rhcPrintf(uiSettings.iconOK+" Activated the %v service\n", ServiceName)
durations[ServiceName] = time.Since(start)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,19 +478,22 @@ func connectAction(ctx *cli.Context) error {
message: fmt.Errorf("cannot get the user profile: %w",
} else {
fmt.Printf(uiSettings.iconInfo + " Enabled services: ")
if !uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
fmt.Printf(uiSettings.iconInfo + " Enabled services: ")
fmt.Printf("\nSuccessfully connected to Red Hat!\n")

rhcPrintf("\nSuccessfully connected to Red Hat!\n")

/* 5. Show footer message */
fmt.Printf("\nManage your connected systems:\n")
if !uiSettings.isMachineReadable {
/* 5. Show footer message */
fmt.Printf("\nManage your connected systems:\n")

/* 6. Optionally display duration time of each sub-action */
/* 6. Optionally display duration time of each sub-action */

err = showErrorMessages("connect", errorMessages)
if err != nil {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -441,6 +543,23 @@ type DisconnectResult struct {
format string

// ConnectResult is structure holding information about results
// of connect command. The result could be printed in machine-readable format.
type ConnectResult struct {
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
HostnameError string `json:"hostname_error,omitempty"`
UID int `json:"uid"`
UIDError string `json:"uid_error,omitempty"`
RHSMConnected bool `json:"rhsm_connected"`
RHSMConnectError string `json:"rhsm_connect_error,omitempty"`
InsightsConnected bool `json:"insights_connected"`
InsightsError string `json:"insights_connect_error,omitempty"`
YggdrasilStarted bool `json:"yggdrasil_started"`
YggdrasilStartedError string `json:"yggdrasil_started_error,omitempty"`
exitCode int
format string

// Error implement error interface for structure DisconnectResult
func (disconnectResult DisconnectResult) Error() string {
var result string
Expand All @@ -457,6 +576,17 @@ func (disconnectResult DisconnectResult) Error() string {
return result

// printJSONConnectResult tries to print the result of connect as JSON to stdout.
// When marshaling of systemStatus fails, then error is returned
func printJSONConnectResult(connectResult *ConnectResult) error {
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(connectResult, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

// printJSONDisconnectResult tries to print the result of disconnect as JSON to stdout.
// When marshaling of systemStatus fails, then error is returned
func printJSONDisconnectResult(disconnectResult *DisconnectResult) error {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -892,10 +1022,16 @@ func main() {
Hidden: true,
Usage: "register against `URL`",
Name: "format",
Usage: "prints output of connection in machine-readable format (supported formats: \"json\")",
Aliases: []string{"f"},
Usage: "Connects the system to " + Provider,
UsageText: fmt.Sprintf("%v connect [command options]", app.Name),
Description: fmt.Sprintf("The connect command connects the system to Red Hat Subscription Management, Red Hat Insights and %v and activates the %v service that enables %v to interact with the system. For details visit:", Provider, ServiceName, Provider),
Before: beforeConnectAction,
Action: connectAction,
Expand Down

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