Ansible Role for Red Hat Corporate Profile for Certified Cloud Providers (RH CCP)
Profile Description:
This profile contains the minimum security relevant
configuration settings recommended by Red Hat, Inc for
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 instances deployed by Red Hat Certified
Cloud Providers.
The tasks that are used in this role are generated using OpenSCAP. See the OpenSCAP project for more details on Ansible playbook generation at
To submit a fix or enhancement for an Ansible task that is failing or missing in this role, see the ComplianceAsCode project at
- Ansible version 2.9 or higher
To customize the role to your liking, check out the list of variables.
Run ansible-galaxy install RedHatOfficial.rhel8_rht_ccp
download and install the role. Then, you can use the following playbook snippet to run the Ansible role:
- hosts: all
- { role: RedHatOfficial.rhel8_rht_ccp }
Next, check the playbook using (on the localhost) the following example:
ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local --check playbook.yml
To deploy it, use (this may change configuration of your local machine!):
ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local playbook.yml
This Ansible remediation role has been generated from the body of security policies developed by the ComplianceAsCode project. Please see for an updated list of authors and contributors.