This product is designed to integrate redturtle.prenotazioni package with design.plone.contenttypes
There is a behavior that adds some additional fields:
- Uffici correlati
- Orario di apertura
There is a customization of Servizio serializer that adds an additional field:
- referenced_by_prenotazioni_folder which idicates if it has backreferences to PrenotazioniFolder (design.plone.ioprenoto) throught correlated UO (with "Uffici correlati" field)
There is a customization of PrenotazioniFolder serializer that redirects to '/prenotazione-appuntamenti-uffici' if the user has not design.plone.ioprenoto.ManagePrenotazioni.
Endpoint that returns a list of UnitaOrganizzativa contents that have at least one PrenotazioniFolder that relates to it (with "Uffici correlati" field).
- uid: The uid of a Servizio.
The endpoint can be called with a GET request:
curl -i http://localhost:8080/Plone/@bookable-uo-list -H 'Accept: application/json'
{ "@id": "http://localhost:8080/Plone/@bookable-uo-list", "items": [ { "@id": "...", "title": "...", "id": "...", "prenotazioni_folder": [ { "@id": "http://localhost:8080/Plone/prenotazioni-folder", "address": { "@id": "http://localhost:8080/Plone/a-venue", "@type": "Venue", "city": "Ferrara", "geolocation": { "latitude": 1111, "longitude": 2222, }, ... } } ], } ] }
If uid parameter is passed, only UnitaOrganizzative related to that Servizio (with canale_fisico relation field) will be returned.
Endpoint that returns a list of Bookable.
The endpoint can be called with a GET request:
curl -i http://localhost:8080/Plone/@bookable-list -H 'Accept: application/json'
{ "@id": "http://localhost:8080/Plone/@bookable-list", "items": [ { "@id": "...", "title": "...", "url": "...", "booking_types": [], } ] }
The email templates var list is extended by the following variables:
- title of UnitaOrganizzativa related to PrenotazioniFolder.${booking_print_url_with_delete_token}
- booking pring url with delete token.
Install design.plone.ioprenoto by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = design.plone.ioprenoto
and then running bin/buildout
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
design.plone.ioprenoto has been tested with Plone 6 and works with Python 3.
This product was developed by RedTurtle Technology team.