Breaking changes
Supports Grafana 8.0+, for Grafana 7.X use version 1.5.0.
XRANGE command based on the selected time range if Start/End is not specified. Use '-' as Start and '+' as end to display all results.
Features / Enhancements
Upgrade to Grafana 8.0.6 (#212 )
Allow multiple Streaming queries per panel (#213 )
Update Grafana SDK 0.110 (#214 )
Update to Grafana 8.1.4 (#217 )
Update to Grafana 8.2.1 (#220 )
Update to Grafana 8.2.2 (#223 )
Use Time-range for XRANGE filtering (#176 )
Disable Command-line interface in the Query Editor (#226 )
Support of ZRANGE command (#182 )
Upgrade Grafana 8.2.3 and backend dependencies (#228 )
Support fetching from RedisJSON datasource (JSON.GET, JSON.TYPE, JSON.ARRLEN, JSON.OBJLEN, JSON.OBJKEYS) (#229 )
Redis Enterprise introduced new field calls_master in commandstats (#232 )
Bug fixes
Fix RedisGears rg.dumpreqs command when Requirement was not yet downloaded so wheels are not available (#219 )
SCARD does not show a key field any more (#233 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.