Control your Philips Hue with Applescript
- Open HueScript.applescript with Apple Script Editor
- Edit your BridgeAdress and APIKEY
- File > Export ---> script -> know you have the executable "HueScript.scpt"
- You can edite and use the Exemple
Something like a class to control the hues with somes Methods :
Return the bridge IP
on GetBridge()
return ""
end GetBridge
Just return your API key
on GetApi()
return "zjlfqzzrngjkzenfh178Y6R9JHIG81098HKHJFYT89"
end GetApi
Set what you want to do when you set on the lights (choose a color , a brightness,...)
"{\"on\": true,\"hue\": 0, \"sat\": 0,\"bri\": 254}"
Same Thing
"{\"on\": false,\"hue\": 0, \"sat\": 0}"
Take the Light number, the Bridge Adress and the Api Key
return the state : true if the hue is on and false if not.
set On to State(x, BridgeAddress, apiKey)
if On = "true" then
Take the Light number Turn on non-actives lights and turn off actives lights.
on Change(x)
set BridgeAddress to GetBridge()
set apiKey to GetApi()
set Etat to State(x, BridgeAddress, apiKey)
if Etat = "true" then
end if
end Change
Take the Light number Active the selected light with a completely random color.
on RandomColor(x)
set BridgeAddress to GetBridge()
set apiKey to GetApi()
set hue to (random number from 0 to 65280) as text
set sat to (random number from 0 to 254) as text
do shell script "curl --request PUT --data " & "'{\"on\": true,\"hue\": " & hue & ", \"sat\": " & sat & ",\"bri\": 254}'" & " http://" & BridgeAddress & "/api/" & apiKey & "/lights/" & x & "/state/"
end RandomColor
Take the Light number Turn Off the selected light
on turnOff(x)
set BridgeAddress to GetBridge()
set apiKey to GetApi()
set action to GetOff()
do shell script "curl --request PUT --data " & action & " http://" & BridgeAddress & "/api/" & apiKey & "/lights/" & x & "/state/"
end turnOff
Take the Light number Turn On the selected light
on turnOn(x)
set BridgeAddress to GetBridge()
set apiKey to GetApi()
set action to GetOff()
do shell script "curl --request PUT --data " & action & " http://" & BridgeAddress & "/api/" & apiKey & "/lights/" & x & "/state/"
end turnOn
I use "Spark" to link these scripts to keybord shortcuts.
- Lucas Ehlinger - Initial work (
This project is licensed under the MIT License