Plum is a library that helps you in the creation of curves and object animation through these ones. See demo here.
var animation:Animation = Plum.animate(<display object>, <path>, <options>);
- display object: The DisplayObject instance that you want to move through the bezier.
- path: Any Parametric instance. This will be bezier itself (See "Paths" below)
- options: Hash array with options. All options are optional and not present variables will take default values. These are the valid options:
- speed (uint): This is the speed that your displayobject will move. You MUST send your stage fps to make this precise (pixels per second) (Default: 100)
- fps (uint): Stage FPS, it is used to calculate speed. (Default: 24)
- start (uint): Start distance in px. (Could be negative) (Default: 0)
- paused (Boolean): Flag to start paused (Default: false)
- reversed (Boolean): Flag to start the animation backwards. (Default: false)
- orientToPath (Boolean): A common effect that designers/developers want is for a MovieClip/Sprite to orient itself in the direction of a Bezier path (alter its rotation). orientToBezier makes it easy.
Paths are parametric ecuations. At this moment, the ones implemented are: CubicBezier & ComplexPath
var bezier:CubicBezier = new CubicBezier(<point1>, <control1>, <control2>, <point2>, <parameterization>);
- point1, control1, control2, point2 (Point): Anchors and control points that defines bezier ecuations.
- parameterization (Boolean): Parameterization method (Default: Parametric.UNIFORM) Options are:
- Parametric.UNIFORM: Spreads the global 't' values out uniformly based on the number of knots
- Parametric.ARC_LENGTH: The global t-distribution is based on the fraction of arclength of each line segment between knots to the total arc length.
Craft comples paths with more than one Parametric.
var bezier:ComplexPath = new ComplexPath(<paths>);
- paths (Array): Array of any Parametric instance.
- draw(graphics:Graphics, thickness:uint=1, color:uint=0xff0000, precision:Number=0.01, dotted:Boolean=false): Draw the path inside the given graphics.
- getPoint(t:Number):Point: Get the point at given t (This will depend on parameterization).
- yAtX(x:Number):Array: Get curve y located at given x (Could be more than one). Returns an Array of Objects {t: Number, y: Number}.
- arcLength: Property that has the total curve length
- pause(): Pause the animation at actual t.
- resume(): Resume last t animation
- distance (Number): set/get the total distance of this object in the curve (It should be used to move objects)
- speed (uint): Set the speed of the display object, defined as px/s.
- reversed (Boolean): If true, Sets animation orientation to backawards (Could be changed at any time)
See demo here.
Martín Conte Mac Donell - @fz