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🚧🍃 Add runtime unit manager
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MulverineX committed Sep 19, 2023
1 parent 462d7af commit 4996643
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Showing 3 changed files with 236 additions and 104 deletions.
192 changes: 88 additions & 104 deletions packages/client-flutter/lib/app/core.dart
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Expand Up @@ -7,39 +7,38 @@ import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_js/extensions/fetch.dart';
import 'package:flutter_js/extensions/xhr.dart';
import 'package:logger/logger.dart';
import 'package:refracture_music/app/unit_manager.dart';
import 'package:sqflite_common_ffi/sqflite_ffi.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:flutter_js/flutter_js.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf_io;
import 'package:shelf_router/shelf_router.dart' as shelf_router;
import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
import 'package:cryptography/cryptography.dart';

// ignore: must_be_immutable
class AppCore extends InheritedWidget {
late String appDataDir;

late Database db;
late var unit = <String, UnitManager>{};

static const secure = FlutterSecureStorage();

static var logger = Logger();

String? loadFailure;

late JavascriptRuntime core;
late JavascriptRuntime runtime;

required Widget child,
}) : super(child: child);

bool updateShouldNotify(AppCore oldWidget) => core != oldWidget.core;
bool updateShouldNotify(AppCore oldWidget) => runtime != oldWidget.runtime;

static AppCore? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<AppCore>();
Expand All @@ -51,24 +50,26 @@ class AppCore extends InheritedWidget {
return result!;

initCore(String bundle) async {
core = getJavascriptRuntime();

await core.enableFetch();
readSecure(String key) async {
return await key);

await core.enableHandlePromises();
writeSecure(String key, String value) async {
return await secure.write(key: key, value: value);

final databaseInitialized = Completer();
loadRuntime() async {
runtime = getJavascriptRuntime();

core.onMessage('initDatabase', (init) async {
await db.execute(init.sql);
await runtime.enableFetch();

await secure.write(key: 'databaseVersion', value: init.version);
await runtime.enableHandlePromises();

runtime.onMessage('initDatabase', (init) async {

core.addXhrHandler(XhrHandlerStage.preRequest, (url, method, {body, headers, response}) async {
runtime.addXhrHandler(XhrHandlerStage.preRequest, (url, method, {body, headers, response}) async {
if ( == '') {
Expand All @@ -79,25 +80,56 @@ class AppCore extends InheritedWidget {
return XhrHandle(XhrHandleType.skip);

core.onMessage('hash', (query) async {
return base64Encode((await Sha512().hash(utf8.encode(query))).bytes);

core.onMessage('print', (message) {
runtime.onMessage('print', (message) {

await core.evaluateAsync("""
var window = global = globalThis;
var database_version = Number('${await 'databaseVersion') ?? '0'}');
runtime.onMessage('addPlugin', (plugin) async {
final String index = ['plugin', ...plugin.index].join('.');

unit[index] = UnitManager(
core: this,
logger: logger,
index: ['plugin', ...plugin.index],
src: plugin.src,
tag: plugin.tag,
hash: plugin.hash,

String? errored;

unit[index]!.loaded.future.catchError((error) {
if ( == 'Base') {
logger.f('[Music UI] fatal: $error');
loadFailure = error;
} else {
logger.e('[Music UI] error: $error');

errored = error;

await unit[index]!.load();

var Music;
if (unit[index]!.bundle != null) {
await loadRuntime();

await core.evaluateAsync(bundle);
return { "success": true };

return { "success": false, "error": errored };

await databaseInitialized.future;
// await runtime.evaluateAsync("""var window = global = globalThis;""");

for (final unit in unit.values) {
if (unit.bundle != null) {
await runtime.evaluateAsync("""var MusicVersion = ${await['databaseVersion'] ?? '0'}');""");
await runtime.evaluateAsync("""var ${};""");
await runtime.evaluateAsync(unit.bundle!);

Future<void> load() async {
Expand All @@ -111,10 +143,6 @@ class AppCore extends InheritedWidget {
// this step, it will use the sqlite version available on the system.
databaseFactory = databaseFactoryFfi;

db = await openDatabase(join(appDataDir, 'main.db'));

// TODO: Add ability to run Refracture offline

const basePath = '';

// ignore: avoid_init_to_null
Expand All @@ -126,85 +154,41 @@ class AppCore extends InheritedWidget {
// Offline

String? bundle;

String? currentTag = await 'tag');
unit['core'] = UnitManager(
core: this,
logger: logger,
name: 'Music',
index: ['core'],
src: manifest == null ? null : Uri.parse(manifest['core']['assets']['bundle']['src']),
tag: manifest == null ? null : manifest['core']['tag'],
hash: manifest == null ? null : manifest['core']['assets']['bundle']['hash'],

final coreFile = File(join(appDataDir, 'core'));
unit['core']!.loaded.future.catchError((error) {
logger.f('[Music UI] fatal: $error');

String? bundleHash = await 'bundleHash');

const offline = 'and host is offline or otherwise unable to access manifest.';

if (manifest == null && currentTag == null) {
const message = 'core bundle is not cached $offline';

logger.f('[Music UI] fatal: $message');
loadFailure = 'Unable to load; $message';
} else {
String? currentHash;
downloadBundle() async {
bundle = (await http.get(Uri.parse(manifest['core']['assets']['bundle']['src']))).body;

await secure.write(key: 'tag', value: manifest['core']['tag']);

await secure.write(key: 'bundleHash', value: manifest['core']['assets']['bundle']['hash']);

await coreFile.writeAsString(bundle!);

if (manifest != null && (currentTag == null || currentTag != manifest['core']['tag'])) {
await downloadBundle();
} else {
try {
bundle = await coreFile.readAsString();

currentHash = base64Encode((await Sha512().hash(utf8.encode(bundle!))).bytes);
} catch (e) {
// Bundle was deleted
if (manifest == null) {
const message = 'cached core bundle was deleted $offline';

logger.f('[Music UI] fatal: $message');
loadFailure = 'Unable to load; $message';
} else {
logger.i('[Music UI] info: core bundle was deleted, downloading Core bundle.');

await downloadBundle();
loadFailure = error;

if (currentHash != null && currentHash != bundleHash) {
const tampered = 'core bundle has been tampered with';
if (manifest == null) {
const message = '$tampered $offline';
await unit['core']!.load();

logger.f('[Music UI] fatal: $message');
loadFailure = 'Refusing to load; $message';
if (unit['core']!.bundle != null) {
await loadRuntime();

bundle = null;
} else {
logger.w('[Music UI] warn: $tampered; you probably have a dumb virus. downloading fresh Core bundle.');
// TODO: The kDebugMode thing wasn't working
if (true) {await shelf_io.serve(
logRequests().addHandler(Cascade().add(shelf_router.Router()'/', (Request req) async {
logger.d('[Music UI] debug: Core bundle loading from POST');

await downloadBundle();
unit['core']!.bundle = await utf8.decodeStream(;

if (bundle != null) {
await loadRuntime();

if (true) {await shelf_io.serve(
logRequests().addHandler(Cascade().add(shelf_router.Router()'/', (Request req) async {
logger.d('[Music UI] debug: bundle loading from POST');
await initCore(await utf8.decodeStream(;
return Response(200);

return Response(200);

InternetAddress.anyIPv4, 4578
InternetAddress.anyIPv4, 4578

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