- The HDR lighting was tested exclusively with Nea and may not produce optimal results with other characters.
- Adjust HDR settings within the Shading tab, focusing on Location, Rotation, Scale, Gamma, Sky, and Sun parameters.
- Ensure you're in Cycles with GPU Compute selected.
- A point light option is available for additional lighting effects.
- Modify the camera in pose mode, easily accessible via Control+Tab to switch between object and pose mode.
- For Dead by Daylight (DBD) icons, use 512x512 at 400% scale for a 2048x2048 resolution in-game.
- There is 6 cameras, one for each survivor body part, Male and Female.
- This project was made for survivors. Killers will not be made as there is many different heights.
- BHVR uses Post-FX for icons. ive gotten it close enough in blender
- The project automatically comes with a layout. if you dont like the layout the go to Edit > Preferences > Save & Load > Uncheck Load UI. Then reopen the project.
- For best results please use
under cycle render devices.