This is a Neovim plugin for RemoteText.
- A running version of the server. You need an unencrypted, pre-user version of the server (currently, this is the only one that exists, so if you don't know what this means, the latest verison is probably fine).
This repository is a Nix flake that provides the plugin as an output. Here's an example module that you can use in your home-manager configuration, provided that your flake inputs
are available:
{ config, inputs, pkgs, ... }:
programs.neovim = {
enable = true;
extraLuaConfig = ''
vim.g.RemoteText = {
api_url = ""
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('RemoteText', require("remote-text").run, {})
plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
I'll be honest, I've only used one of these, and it's been too long, so I don't remember the instructions. I think what you need to know is:
- this plugin depends on
- you don't need to call
(lazy.nvim users, this function is called by default, you'll want to disable it) - you need to set
) to a table containing the API URL of your server instance - the plugin doesn't provide any commands or keybindings. See the example above for how to create a command
Call require("remote-text").run()
. If you've set up a command as in the example above, you can do this with :RemoteText
This will prompt you to select a file to edit, which will be downloaded and opened in a new buffer. :w
riting the buffer will save a new version to RemoteText.