The WRF-NH3-Chem model a dynamic NH3 emission model capable of calculating NH3 emission rate interactively with time- and spatial-varying meteorological and soil conditions. It is embedded into the regional WRF-Chem model (version 3.9.1).
Following the steps below, the user can install the model and start using it
replace the original file in WRF/chem directory with emissions_driver.F and chem_driver.F in the code-modified directory. The modified code is annotated with "WRF-NH3-CHEM modifed by renchuanhua"
replace the original file in WRF/Registry directory with registry.chem and Registry.EM_COMMON in our registry-variable dir.
put subdirectories ./input-binary/nh3_agrisoil&fertilizer&freeinten&graze&industry&residential&transport into geog_data_path
replace the GEOGRID.TBL file in WPS
compile the WRF-Chem model
turn on the dynamic NH3 emission model in WRF-Chem by specifying nh3emis_opt = 1 in chem section of namelist.input file to use the dynamic NH3 emission model