NOTE: This is no longer maintained and has been replaced by the more generic celerytest.
Writing tests for Django projects that depend on Celery tasks is problematic. The test that queues the task typically operates on the test database (by virtue of Django's test framework), whereas the Celery worker, using the django-celery integration, operates on the main database. When using the database backend for Celery, tasks will not even get picked up by the worker to begin with.
A celery worker that operates on the test database is needed. This app runs such a worker automatically in the background while running the test suite.
To enable django-celery-testworker
for your project you need to add djcelery-testworker
INSTALLED_APPS += ("djcelery_testworker", )
To run a Celery worker that operates on your test databases, run with Django's management command:
./ celerytestworker
To create a unit test that depends on a Celery task, use the CeleryWorkerTestCase
class. A worker will then automatically be started for this test.
from testcase import CeleryWorkerTestCase
import time
class SomeTestCase(CeleryWorkerTestCase):
def test_something(self):
task = some_task.delay()
self.assertEqual(task.state, "SUCCESS")
Technically, tests that depend on a celery worker running are not real unit tests, though, and should be implemented as integration tests.
To automatically launch a worker in the background while running an integration test suite, use the run_celery_test_worker
function. For example, you could use it with lettuce by including it in
from django.test.simple import DjangoTestSuiteRunner
from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment, teardown_test_environment
from lettuce import *
from splinter.browser import Browser
from djcelery_testworker import run_celery_test_worker
def initial_setup(server):
# set up the test databases using DjangoTestSuiteRunner
world.django_suite = DjangoTestSuiteRunner()
world.django_suite.old_config = world.django_suite.setup_databases()
# run a celery worker
print "Starting Celery worker..."
world.celeryd = run_celery_test_worker()
# run browser for selenium tests
world.browser = Browser()
def cleanup(server):
# quit the browser
# terminate the celery worker
print "Terminating Celery worker..."
if world.celeryd.returncode is None:
# destroy the test database using the DjangoTestSuiteRunner
# teardown
Clone the latest version of django-celery-testworker
from GitHub:
$ git clone git://
You can install it by doing the following,:
$ tar xvfz django-celery-testworker-0.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd django-celery-testworker-0.0.0
# python install # as root