First thing to do is:
cd CMSSW_5_X_Y/src cmsenv
note that this package works only in a CMSSW_5_X_Y
Download the package:
git clone https://github.com/ResonantHbbHgg/BtagCodes
In BtagCode directory:
source scripts/setup.sh
make make exe
./bin/AddEfficiencyBranches.exe cfg/AddEfficiencyBranches.cfg
NOTE: in the cfg file there are:
inputFile = flattree to run doCombinatorics = 0 or 1 (do the cobinatoric choice of the jets in addition to the other selections) addEfficiencies = 0 or 1 (1 if the flattree you are running on don't have the btagEff branches) saveMaps = 0 or 1 (save the btag efficiencies maps, they are save by default in the output directory) splitTree = 0 or 1 (if 1 the new trees has half of the events of the old ones...needed in case you run on diphoton. Remember to run 2 times the code giving different outputName each time) iFile = 0 or 1 (if splitTree = 1, which half you are running on) outputName = name of the output final flattree
First thing to do is:
cd CMSSW_5_X_Y/src cmsenv
note that this package works only in a CMSSW_5_X_Y
In BtagCode directory:
source scripts/setup.sh
make make exe
./bin/Make_BtagEfficiencyMaps.exe cfg/Make_BtagEfficiencyMaps.cfg
NOTE: in the cfg file there are:
inputList = list of file to run inputTree = name of the tree (all the files must have the same tree name) outputName = output name
First thing to do is:
cd CMSSW_5_X_Y/src cmsenv
note that this package works only in a CMSSW_5_X_Y
In BtagCode directory, compile:
make make exe
In BtagCode/test/lxbatch directory prepare the jobs:
perl launchJobs_lxbatch_eos.pl params_lxbatch.CFG
params_lxbatch.CFG has the following input parameters:
BASEDir: complete path of this lxbatch directory, eg:
CMSSWPath: CMSSW_5_X_Y release path from which set up the environment, eg:
ProgramName: executable file name, eg:
JOBCfgTemplate: cfg file to run, USE THE TEMPLATE:
LISTOFSamples: txt file of the list of directories that contain the root files, eg of path into the txt:
/store/cmst3/user/obondu/H2GGLOBE/Radion/reduced/radion_reduction_v11/mc RadionToHH_2Gamma_2b_M-1100_TuneZ2star_8TeV-Madgraph_pythia6_Summer12_DR53X-PU_RD1_START53_V7N-v1
where the directory path and the directory have to be separated by a spacetab
OUTPUTSAVEPath: directory where to save the output files (also a eos directory), eg:
OUTPUTFILEName: name of a single job output root file, eg:
JOBModulo: numeber of input file run per job
Launch the jobs (file lancia.sh automatically created):
sh lancia.sh
Add all the final maps in a unique file:
source scripts/setup.sh ./bin/AddHistos2D.exe cfg/AddHistos.cfg
in the cfg file there are:
inputDir = the directory where the .root files to be added are stored
outputName = name of the output file