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Jean Deruelle edited this page Jan 12, 2016 · 3 revisions


RestComm SIP Servlets is bringing realtime communications (voice & video) to your Browser using HTML5 WebRTC and SIP Over WebSockets ! See the Video of the Demo !

The RestComm HTML5 WebRTC Client allows you to make video calls from/to any Web Browser supporting WebRTC, ( (only Google Chrome Firefox and Opera supports it so far but some plugins exists to enable it on IE and Safari) as well as SIP Endpoints.


Client Side

The Client Side of the application was built using Twitter Boostrap for the UI, jQuery for the javascript interactions and WebRTComm for establishing the Call Sessions through SIP Over WebSockets.

The Server Side

WebRTComm communicates with RestComm SIP Servlets JAIN SIP Stack which supports SIP Over WebSockets. The Server Side Application is a standard simple Back To Back User Agent that handles the SIP Over WebSockets Transport transparently and can bridge to any SIP EndPoint


Google Chrome 36+ and Firefox 22+

WebRTC is enabled by default in Google Chrome, FireFox and Opera, so no specific setup is required, however since the release of RestComm SIP Servlets 2.1.547, so make sure to use our latest releases from

Running the Example

Install the latest version of RestComm SIP Servlets and start it, see our User Guide.

Be aware that you need to start RestComm SIP Servlets on a network interface so that it is accessible from the network :

  • For JBoss AS 7, use $JBOSS_HOME/bin./ -c standalone-sip.xml -b <ip_address>
  • For Tomcat 7, modify the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml and change the connectors' IP Address attribute to your network IP Address

Once the Server is up and running, got to http://<ip_address>:8080/websockets-sip-servlet from one computer and register with the default name, then go to the same URL from the browser of a different computer (make sure the Requirements Section above is completed as well) and register with a different user name (by example bob). Then it's like SKype. Type the name of your buddy in the input field (Add Room) and click on the + sign. Then click on the buddy you just added and start chatting or calling You can follow instructions at

Screenshots and Live Demo

Live Video Call

Live Video Call from Brazil at Mobicents Summit 2012 in Rio with the Orange Labs team, the research and innovation centre of France Telecom-Orange, in France