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Current Events September 2022

Andrew Comer edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 2 revisions

Here's the list of events that are open to join. This is a good way for players to get involved with the RA community.

For more info, check the Current Competitions and Hall of Fame of RA forum topic.

These events are open to any community member who wants to participate.

Achievement of the Week 2022

  • Forum topic:
  • Period: January 2022 - Current
  • Host: {% rauserpic RAEvents %}
  • Currently 1st place (with 45 points):
    • {% rauserpic Braek %}
    • {% rauserpic Buiwsterd %}
    • {% rauserpic Tirbaba %}
  • Currently 2nd place (with 44 points):
    • {% rauserpic BubbleRoxie %}
    • {% rauserpic CMatador %}
    • {% rauserpic Cryarionic %}
    • {% rauserpic DesertWorms %}
    • {% rauserpic DoctorV %}
    • {% rauserpic Fergdog %}
    • {% rauserpic FlamingDoom %}
    • {% rauserpic GIGsnake %}
    • {% rauserpic heintsi %}
    • {% rauserpic HolyRayne %}
    • {% rauserpic LogicalFallacy %}
    • {% rauserpic Lonoke31 %}
    • {% rauserpic NEOMAR %}
    • {% rauserpic pitapocket17 %}
    • {% rauserpic Pudpod %}
    • {% rauserpic Ryudo %}
    • {% rauserpic TheJediSonic %}
    • {% rauserpic TheLooseGroose %}
    • {% rauserpic Xeinok %}


Simple Monthly Master

  • Forum topic:
  • Period: May 2020 - Current
  • Host: {% rauserpic Hotscrock %}
  • Previous Winners:
    • 2022:
      • July: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}
      • June: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}
      • May: {% rauserpic Bendyhuman %}
      • April: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}
      • March: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}
      • February: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}
      • January: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}
    • 2021:
      • December: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}
      • November: {% rauserpic BahamutVoid %}
      • October: {% rauserpic BahamutVoid %}
      • September: {% rauserpic BahamutVoid %}
      • August: {% rauserpic ShadwSonic %}
      • July: {% rauserpic RomaKiev %}
      • June: {% rauserpic Xymjak %}
      • May: {% rauserpic Xymjak %}
      • April: {% rauserpic Xymjak %}
      • March: {% rauserpic BahamutVoid %}
      • February: {% rauserpic Xymjak %}
      • January: {% rauserpic earfly %}
    • 2020
      • December: {% rauserpic BahamutVoid %}
      • November: {% rauserpic BahamutVoid %}
      • October: {% rauserpic Xymjak %}
      • September: {% rauserpic Xeinok %}
      • August: {% rauserpic Xymjak %}
      • July: {% rauserpic BahamutVoid %}
      • June: {% rauserpic BahamutVoid %}
      • May: {% rauserpic Xymjak %}


The Unwanted

  • Forum topic:
  • Period: July 2020 - Current
  • Host: {% rauserpic StingX2 %}, {% rauserpic televandalist %} and {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}
  • Current Winners:
    • Month 26 ???
  • Previous Winners:
    • Month 25: Best Gamer: {% rauserpic Cerlayjux %}, Best Dev Fixer: {% rauserpic Falcus %}
    • Month 24: Best Gamer: {% rauserpic Sairotra %}, Best Dev Fixer: {% rauserpic Etron %}
    • Month 23: Best Gamer: {% rauserpic multonic %}, Best Dev Fixer: {% rauserpic kmpers %}
    • Month 22: Best Gamer: {% rauserpic freezestar %}, Best Dev Fixer: {% rauserpic Hotscrock %}
    • Month 21: Best Gamer: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}
    • Month 20: Best Gamer: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}, Best Dev Fixer: {% rauserpic televandalist %}
    • Month 19: Best Gamer: {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %}, Best Dev Fixer: {% rauserpic SlashTangent %}
    • Month 18: {% rauserpic freezestar %} and {% rauserpic televandalist %}
    • Month 17: {% rauserpic YahwehTzVaoth %} and {% rauserpic Etron %}
    • Month 16: {% rauserpic Sairotra %} and {% rauserpic SlashTangent %}
    • Month 15: {% rauserpic Xymjak %} and {% rauserpic SlashTangent %}
    • Month 14: {% rauserpic Tayadaoc %} and {% rauserpic SlashTangent %}
    • Month 13: {% rauserpic Tayadaoc %} and {% rauserpic wilhitewarrior %}
    • Month 12: {% rauserpic freezestar %} and {% rauserpic televandalist %}
    • Month 11: {% rauserpic Xymjak %} and {% rauserpic SlashTangent %}
    • Month 10: {% rauserpic ISmileyzI %} and {% rauserpic SlashTangent %}
    • Month 9: {% rauserpic Gamechamp %} and {% rauserpic SlashTangent %}
    • Month 8: {% rauserpic HolyShinx %} and {% rauserpic SlashTangent %}
    • Month 7: {% rauserpic multonic %}, {% rauserpic Whynot15 %} and {% rauserpic SlashTangent %}
    • Month 6: {% rauserpic deng %}
    • Month 5: {% rauserpic Kisumebuckets %}
    • Month 4: {% rauserpic freezestar %}
    • Month 3: {% rauserpic multonic %}
    • Month 2: {% rauserpic guineu %}
    • Month 1: {% rauserpic guineu %}


Daily DistRActions

  • Forum topic:
  • Period: The event has concluded
  • Host: {% rauserpic Bendyhuman %}
  • Season 2 winners (with 108 points):
    • {% rauserpic 14ausher %}
    • {% rauserpic Akai %}
    • {% rauserpic FlamingDoom %}
    • {% rauserpic Ideasds %}
    • {% rauserpic MatheusBrazuca85 %}
    • {% rauserpic msdmario %}
    • {% rauserpic NEOMAR %}
    • {% rauserpic Olafur %}
    • {% rauserpic roukanumachi %}
    • {% rauserpic ruuzilla %}
    • {% rauserpic ShadwSonic %}
    • {% rauserpic Wayne121 %}


RA Roulette

  • Forum topic:
  • Period: January 2022 - Current
  • Host: {% rauserpic StingX2 %}
  • Current Top 5:
    • {% rauserpic WanderingHeiHo %} (86)
    • {% rauserpic heintsi %} (76)
    • {% rauserpic Cadaxar %} (56)
    • {% rauserpic FlamingDoom %} (54)
    • {% rauserpic malasdair %} (54)


Peak Streak


Leaderboards of the Month


Spot the Difference

The RANews Spot the difference minigame was posted in a previous Fun section of RANews. The goal was to find all 10 differences between different parallel universes.

  • Winners of Spotting the Difference:
    • 2022:
      • August: {% rauserpic Jungon %}
      • July: {% rauserpic Ryudo %}
      • June: {% rauserpic Ryudo %}
      • May: {% rauserpic TheFetishMachine %}
      • April: {% rauserpic TheFetishMachine %}
      • March: {% rauserpic TheFetishMachine %}
      • February: {% rauserpic Tayadaoc %}
      • January: {% rauserpic Tayadaoc %}
    • 2021:
      • December: {% rauserpic TheFetishMachine %}
      • November: {% rauserpic roli300 %}
      • October: {% rauserpic roli300 %}
      • September: {% rauserpic Adenothe %}
      • August: {% rauserpic Nevermond12 %} & {% rauserpic TheFetishMachine %}
      • July: {% rauserpic blendedsea %}
      • June: {% rauserpic Burgins %}
      • May: {% rauserpic Nevermond12 %}


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