Rabbiteer IOT project agent and related files. It shovels stuff pushed throught MQTT into InfluxDB and does some other useful stuffs.
None unfortunately.
In leu of actual instructions. Here's the --help
Usage: rabbiteer-2017-iot-agent [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-m, --mqtt [url] The MQTT url. Defaults to mqtt://localhost
-u, --username [username] the MQTT username
-p, --password [password] the MQTT password
-i, --influxdb [hostport] The InfluxDB host and port. Defaults to localhost:8086
-d, --influxdb-database [database] The InfluxDB database. Defaults to rabbiteer
--influxdb-username [username] The InfluxDB username. Defaults to the MQTT username
--influxdb-password [password] The InfluxDB password. Defaults to the MQTT password
-r, --rabbitmq [url] The RabbitMQ management interface url. Defaults to http://localhost:15672/
--rabbitmq-username [username] The RabbitMQ username. Defaults to the MQTT username
--rabbitmq-password [password] The RabbitMQ password. Defaults to the MQTT password
--slack-token [token] A token for accessing the slack API
--slack-verification-token [token] A token for verifying the requests for the events API
--event-port [port] The port on which to listen for HTTP events. Defaults to $PORT or 5295
--loglevel [level] The minimum log level. Same as npm log levels. Default is info.
-h, --help output usage information