Simple Blender Add On for matching vertex positions in one or more axis.
To Install go to Edit/Preferences/Add Ons and select file
New menu will be visible when in Edit mode mesh under 3D View called Vertex Tools
Mathing Vertices on axis:
Vertices will be matched to last selected vertex, on selected axis.
1:Select checkbox with axis you want to perform matching on
2:Select vertices you want to align ( you can use either click or box selection )
3:Select vertex that will be used as reference ( it has to be the last one, use click for this vertex, not box selection )
Click 'Match Vertex Position' to perform matching action.
Mathing Vertices diagonaly
Vertices will be matched on line between two other vertices
1: Select two vertices that would define a line
2: Select vertices that you want to position in line between previously selected vertices
3: Click 'Math Diagonaly' button
Note Box selection doesn't work with this feature yet, so you need to select vertices by clicking it one by one