This is a Codeception module to test the emails send by your application, using MailCatcher.
To add it to your project run composer require rezouce/codeception-mailcatcher
You can then add MailCatcher to your Codeception configuration file in the modules enabled section:
- MailCatcher
By default the module will try to contact MailCatcher on, you can change it using the configuration:
- MailCatcher
url: ''
port: '1080'
// Check if there is at least an email
// Count the number of mails
// Check if at least an email contains a string in its source
$this->seeInEmail('A string.');
$emails = $this->getEmailsBySubject('subject');
$emails = $this->getEmailsBySender('');
$emails = $this->getEmailsByRecipients(['']);
By default each of these methods will retrieve emails when the property contains the search criteria. You can change to a strict check by giving a boolean as the second parameter with true as value.
It's also possible to assert on the emails you grab:
$emails = $this->getEmailsBySubject('subject');
This library is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license