Provides a solution for evolutions using ReactiveMongo
val appDependencies = Seq(
"nl.rhinofly" %% "reactivemongo-evolutions" % "0.3"
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
resolvers += "Rhinofly Internal Repository" at ""
// uncomment the following line to resolve snapshots
//,resolvers += "Rhinofly Internal Snapshot Repository" at ""
The example below descibes a document that went through two evolutions. It started with only a name:
"name" : "<name>"
Name was changed to title:
"title" : "<name>"
Then description was added:
"title" : "<name>"
"description" : "<description>"
import fly.reactivemongo.evolutions.FormatterWithEvolution
import fly.reactivemongo.evolutions.BSONDocumentHelpers._
case class Test(title:String, description:String)
object Test {
implicit val testBSONFormatter = FormatterWithEvolution[Test](
from = { doc =>
to = { test =>
"title" -> test.title,
"description" -> test.description)
Evolution(1) { doc =>
doc rename ("name" -> "title")
Evolution(2) { doc =>
doc add ("description" -> "")
Note that the FormatterWithEvolution
adds a _version
field to your BSON
The BSONDocumentHelpers
adds an implicit conversion that adds extra methods to the BSONDocument
type. A few examples:
import BSONDocumentHelpers._
// remove a single key
doc remove "key"
// remove a multiple keys
doc remove ("key1", "key2")
// rename a single key
doc rename ("oldKey" -> "newKey")
// rename a multiple keys
doc rename ("oldKey1" -> "newKey1", "oldKey2" -> "newKey2")
// rename a non existing key
try {
doc rename ("nonExisting" -> "key")
} catch {
case KeyNotFoundException(key) => //...
// easy access to 'required' fields
val value = doc[String]("key")
// access to non existing key
val value =
try {
} catch {
case KeyNotFoundException(key) => //...
// update a value
doc update ("key" -> newValue)
// update a value with a callback
doc update ("key" -> {value:ValueType => newValue})
More examples can be found in the test