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Data Guidelines

Spencer Childress edited this page Aug 7, 2019 · 10 revisions

The Clinical Timelines accepts JSON data of the format returned by d3.csv(). The renderer visualizes clinical timelines data with one row per participant per clinical event plus the required variables specified below.

Data structure

one record per participant per event with event start date/day and end date/day

Data specification

required and optional variables:

Setting Default Data Type Description Required?
id_col USUBJID character unique identifier variable name Yes
id_characteristics[] either an array of identifier characteristic variables and associated metadata
event_col DOMAIN character event type variable name Yes
filters[] either an array of filter variables and associated metadata
groupings[] either an array of categorical ID characteristic variables with which to group IDs
stdt_col STDT character start date variable name - not required if start day is present Yes
endt_col ENDT character end date variable name
stdy_col STDY numeric start day variable name - not required if start date is present Yes
endy_col ENDY character end day variable name
seq_col SEQ numeric event type sequence variable name Yes
tooltip_col TOOLTIP character hovering over a mark displays a tooltip with the details of the event
ongo_col ONGO character ongoing event indicator variable name
offset_col numeric the name of the variable that contains a ranking of vertical position at which to draw a mark
details[] either an array of detail listing variables and associated metadata

Example data

the first few records of the test dataset:

01-001 Adverse Events 2015-07-16 2015-08-14 57 86 1 This mark definitely represents the Adverse Events domain N
01-001 Concomitant Medications 2015-07-16 2015-08-14 57 86 1 This mark definitely represents the Concomitant Medications domain Y
01-001 Enrollment 2015-05-21 2015-05-21 1 1 1 This mark definitely represents the Enrollment domain
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