Releases: Rickleuf/BTE-Server
When updating from an earlier version, don't override your Luckperms folder or otherwise you loose all your permissions. There are some added permission nodes, to see these at the moment you have to either check them from the plugins wiki's or setup a extra server just to do /lp editor and copy over permissions.
All plugins JAR files are now renamed to only show the plugin name, this is to make it possible for future update to be drop in and overwrite all old plugins.
When updating from an earlier version, remove plugins under updated, renamed and removed and add the ones from the server pack.
This version removes BTE Tools, in favour of adding the bukkit version of worldedit that is compatible with CubicChunks and adding CoreProtect.
Voxelsniper permissions are not setup because voxelsniper is very powerfull and isn't logged by CoreProtect.
Proxy setup will be updated in a future release (possibly the Claim System release)
- Mohist
- LuckPerms
- ProtocolLib
- Vault
- WorldEdit
- CubicChunks (cc1185)
- CubicWorldGen (cwg145)
- TerraMap (1.0.0-beta7.7_1.12.2)
- AdvancedBan
- EssentialsX
- PlaceholderAPI
- WorldGuard
- Terra++
- BannerMaker
- BKCommonLib
- ChatManager
- CoreProtect
- LightCleaner
- UltimateHeads
- VoxelSniper
- Venturechat
- BTE-Tools
- Rhino
- Terra121
The default setup only allows players with the modpack to join, you can change the configs to allow vanilla.
Bedrock and Vanilla
To update your server from version 1.2 to 1.3, replace the plugins from updated with the new ones.
When updating don't replace your luckperms folder and its content, only replace the jar, the stuff in the folder are your playerdata and get reset when you replace the folder.
When using the proxy setup on a hosting, add the plugin Bungeeguard to the proxy and terra server plugins folder and configure the configs, this is for security reasons.
- Mohist
- AdvancedBan
- LuckPerms
- BTE-Tools
- VentureChat
- Proxy setup for Vanilla + Bedrock compatibility
VentureChat and UNIX
To update your server from version 1.1 to 1.2, replace the plugins from updated with the new ones and remove ChatControl.
When updating don't replace your luckperms folder and its content, only replace the jar, the stuff in the folder are your playerdata and get reset when you replace the folder.
- Mohist
- AdvancedBan
- LuckPerms
- PlaceholderAPI
- BTE-Tools
- TerraMap
- EssentialsX
- VentureChat
- Unix start script
- ChatControl
Regional Permissions
- WorldGuardExtraFlags
- Extracontexts
Both for regional permissions and more advanced configurations
- chat similarity anti-spam (can be enabled from config)
- automatic capital letter and . at the end (can be enabled from config)