- < 李右元, 107753027 >
- < 楊晴焱, 107155018 >
AQI(Air Quality Index), a measurement to evaluate status of air safety and cleanliness, is derived from numerical formula defined by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), which uses weighted values of concentration from diffrent gases and selects one with maxmium. Since it takes the result of the quantity over gases and they come from things in our daily lives, this triggers us bringing out a question: can we use the quantity of things emitting these gases contributing to AQI index to predict it?
- Code execution
We recommend that one download the entire master branch file folder as zip and decompress it, and switch the root layer under this master-branch titled folder with typing the following command on your R terminal to execute the code named after "final.R".
Rscript code/final.R
- Data Visualization
We simply output the performances of the models as png pictures in this code by different dimensions from aiding research pourposes directly without extra access to the internet.
- Your presentation, 1071_datascience_FP_<yourID|groupName>.ppt/pptx/pdf, by Jan. 15
- Any related document for the final project
- papers
- software user guide
- Source
- Input format
- Any preprocessing?
- Handle missing data
- Scale value
- Which method do you use?
- What is a null model for comparison?
- How do your perform evaluation? ie. Cross-validation, or extra separated data
- Which metric do you use
- precision, recall, R-square
- Is your improvement significant?
- What is the challenge part of your project?