This repository contains the code used for the PINNs in the following paper:
Patel, Y., Mons, V., Marquet, O., Rigas, G. (2024).
Turbulence model augmented physics-informed neural networks for mean-flow reconstruction.
Physical Review Fluids.
This code implements a PINN to reconstruct a turbulent mean flow. In particular, it enables the use of a turbulence model augmented PINNs.
This code is developed based on the DeepXDE package from
Lu, L. and Meng, X. and Mao, Z. and Karniadakis, G. E. (2021).
DeepXDE: A deep learning library for solving differential equations.
SIAM Review.
The main PINN training code is
The main config file used to setup the case is found in PH_temp_config.json
The training data is found in the folder InputData/ and can be found from the following database
To run this code, the DeepXDE package must be installed:
pip install deepxde==1.9.1
Several backends such as TensorFlow, Pytorch, JAX etc can be used with DeepXDE. In this work, TensorFlow 1.x was used:
pip install tensorflow==2.12.0
Several other packages are required for DeepXDE and can be found at
To run the code, use the following:
python PH_temp_config.json
To change and set up how the PINN is trained, only the config file needs to be adjusted. The key parameters are described below.
The included config files BSL.json, SA.json are used to generate the results for the PINN-DA-Baseline and PINN-DA-SA results for the above paper.
To select the training sequence, [doPreTrain,doAdam, doLBFGSB]:
"train_steps": [bool, bool, bool]
To change the number of training iterations in each sequence, [preTrainSteps,AdamIterations,LBFGSBIterations,convergenceWindow]:
"iter_list": [int, int, int, int]
To change the model hyperparameters, [learning_rate, nodes/layer, layers, activation function, weight_initialiser]:
"param": [float, int, int, str, str]
To set the number of [PDE_collocation_pts, BC_collocation_pts, point_distribution]:
"colloc": [int, int, str]
To set the PDE, one must select between "HD" (Helmholtz decomposition formulation) and "RSTE" (Reynolds stress formulation
"PDE": [int, int, str]
To activate the turbulence model, select true
"doSA": [bool, float]
weight_pde, weight_reg, weight_data, etc. define the cost function weights eg:
"weight_pde": [float, float, float, float, float]
The data resolution can be selected from 0p3,0p4,0p5,0p6,1p0 using:
"resolution": "0p5"