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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 1, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Cloning this repository

Login to the server with username rigoblock and enter folder /home/rigoblock/html/

cd /home/rigoblock/html/

clone the repository into folder my-new-app

git clone my-new-app 

Rename the destination folder as you wish.

Enter the folder and create a build folder:

cd my-new-app
mkdir build

create a symlink to Parity dapp folder such as:

ln -s /home/rigoblock/html/ /home/rigoblock/cluster/parity-config/dapps/my-new-app

and restart Parity:

cd /home/rigoblock/cluster
screen -r parity

enter CTRL+C to stop Parity and then restart:


detach from screen with CTRL+A+D. You can reattach at any time to Parity screen session with:

screen -r parity

User yarn or npm to download the modules:

cd /home/rigoblock/html/

You can now start the node development server with yarn start. The app will be available at if that port is not available it will ask you to run the server on a different port. for example, if port 3000 is not available, the server will run on port 3001.

Alternatively you can ran yarn watch and the app bill be built into the build directory and therefore made available in Parity UI under the application tabs.

Building for

Please run the following commands to build master branch.

git clone app
cd app
sudo npm install -g yarn
npm install
cd scripts
chmod +x

Copy the files inside the build directory to the document root folder of your webserver.

To build another branch execute the following command after cd app:

git checkout <branch-name>

Visual Studio Code

If you code with Visual Studio Code and have the add-on ftp-sync installed please put the following config in your ftp-sync.json inside the .vscode folder:

"remotePath": "./html/",
"host": "",
"username": "rigoblock",
"password": "*******",
"port": 21,
"secure": true,
"protocol": "ftp",
"uploadOnSave": true,
"passive": true,
"debug": false,
"privateKeyPath": null,
"passphrase": null,
"ignore": [

Finally run the following to fix connection to FTP over TLS.

In Linux:


In Windows: