Backend application for a platform based on the concept of Shark Tank, where businesses can post their pitches while investors put counter offers on it.
Built this project as part of PhonePe's Tech Scholars Program.
- Java 11
- MongoDB 4.2
- SpringBoot 2.7.6
- Maven 3.8.6
- Python (pytests)
- Shell
- GET --> /pitches
- GET --> /pitches/<pitch_id>
- POST --> /pitches
- POST --> /pitches/<pitch_id>/makeOffer
Used MVC Architecture to implement the backend side:
- Start MongoDB server by using the following commands in cmd:
C:\>cd \Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin>mongod
This should start the server in port 27017
- Set up proper SDKs and JREs in your IDE according to your java version
- Leave the assessment directory untouched for proper execution of test cases.
- Open your terminal/command prompt, let’s install the required dependencies by executing the following command. Make sure you have Python 3 and pip3 installed on your local machine:
pip3 install -r assessment/requirements.txt
python3 -m pytest --pspec --disable-pytest-warnings assessment/