This is a barebones compiler written with the project IFC Allignment in mind. The interpreter was written in C++ for the project but it has scope to be plugged in with an LLVM implementation (refer developer documentation for details). A complete list of supported tokens and the supported inbuilt functions are provided below. A example program is also included to showcase what this language can do.
Feel free to extend and modify the source code as you please but please remember to provide references to this repo.
The basic programming language that the compiler understands is organised in blocks. An overview of the language that the compiler understands:
The compiler reads a program from the file. It currenly only understands the txt files with .txt
To get a better flavour of what BlueCompiler can actually do, please refer the example program for Ifc Allignment: ClothoidIFCPL.txt.
Here is a simple example program:
func computeX(double L,double A)
x = L;
iterations = 5;
i = 1;
while(i < 6) do
sign = sgnEven(i);
L_exponent = 5 + (i - 1) * 4.0;
A_exponent = i*4.0;
Atemp = factorial(2.0*i);
B = pow(2.0, 2.0*i);
C = 5.0 + (i - 1) * 4;
factor = Atemp * B * C;
D = pow(L, L_exponent);
E = factor * pow(A, A_exponent);
x = x + (sign * (D / E));
i = i + 1;
}; # while ends here
return x;
}; # func computeX() ends here
}; # program block ends here
The grammar is the star of the show here, so if things start getting confusing please revert to the full blown html which can be found in the repo as Grammar.html
Token(in Program) | Internal Representation |
while | TOKEN_WHILE |
!= , <= , >= , && , == | TOKEN_OPERATOR |
[ | BOX_OPEN |
func | BEGIN_FUNC |
do | TOKEN_DO |
if | TOKEN_IF |
else | TOKEN_ELSE |
vector | TOKEN_VECTOR |
vector2d | TOKEN_VECTOR2d |
return | TOKEN_RETURN |
pow | TOKEN_POW |
acos | TOKEN_ACOS |
sqrt | TOKEN_SQRT |
rotatez | TOKEN_ROTATEZ |
magnitude_squared | TOKEN_MAGNITUDESQR |
transform | TOKEN_TRANSFORM |
min | TOKEN_MIN |
dot | TOKEN_DOT |
cross | TOKEN_CROSS |
[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* | TOKEN_ID |
[-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+ | TOKEN_NUMBER |
* , /, +, -, <, >, % | TOKEN_OPERATOR |
The grammar in BNF form can be found in the developer documentation.