EbbCFD is an unstructured, second order spatial, finite volume solver. It can solve both the Euler equations and the compressible Navier-Stokes equations.
Supported time integration:
- 1st order forward euler
- 2nd order total variation diminishing (TVD) Runge-Kutta
- 2nd order Runge-Kutta
- 4th order Runge-Kutta
- 2D second order spatial solver
- parallelization using OpenMPI
- clunky configuration files
- non-uniform interface that leaves your head scratching a bit (look at the plotting part, what am I doing)
- dependancy on cblas that isn't really used.
dub build --config=solver
ebb-solve -c configFile.json
ebb-reconstruct configFile.json saveFile.esln
PlotEbbSolution mach recon_meshFile.mmsh recon_saveFile.esln