A .Net Standard client for the ANXPRO V3 cryptocurrency API.
This is an alpha version, meaning the API is not feature complete and may contain bugs.
In fact, it's almost a guarantee to contain bugs because I don't have any coins on this exchange. But you can fix that part of the problem right now...
Contribute to this project by sending some XɃT my way: 1AcmMBDMTQYTzgc6E5qtA8m3GCKTR7HuiN
using System;
using AnxPro.Api;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello ANXPRO!");
using (var client = new AnxProClient())
// Get all the supported currencies.
var result = client.GetCurrenciesAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var currency in result.CurrencyStatic.Currencies)
Console.WriteLine(currency.Key + " - " + currency.Value.Symbol);
// Get all the currency pairs.
foreach (var pair in result.CurrencyStatic.CurrencyPairs)
Console.WriteLine(pair.Key + " - " + pair.Value.PreferredMarket);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("\nPress 'Enter' Key to Continue.........");