A curated list of awesome stock photography, video and illustration websites.
I try my best to maintain this repository and keep it up-to-date but if you spot a broken link or a resource which isn't listed, please, feel free to make a pull request.
- Photography
- Illustration
- Vector Graphics
- Videos
- Patterns
- Textures
- Fonts
- Icons
- Colors
- Aggregated Content
- HTML Templates
- Sounds & Music
- Paid Resources
- How to Contribute
- How to Share
- Donate
- License
All the resources below have specifically specified that their content is ©️ CC0-licensed.
- ABSFreePic - A high-resolution and absolutely free photos stock site.
- Altphotos - Handpicked free high-resolution photos added daily.
- Barn Images - Barn Images offers you a collection of free high-resolution non-stock photography.
- CC0.Photo - CC0.photo is a project initiated by Raffael Herrmann, which serves you with free photos.
- Creative Commons Search - A meta search across several libraries to find adaptable / editable images.
- Crow the Stone - Free photos to use any way you want.
- Cupcake - Free do what ever you want photos by Jonas Nilsson Lee.
- Epicantus - Hi-resolution photos added every week.
- FindA.Photo - search through thousands of CC0 photos by keyword and color.
- Free Nature Stock - Royalty-free, use them however you want, Nature Stock Photos.
- Freely Photos - Totally free high quality Christian stock photography.
- Furious Camera - Free Life Hi-Fi Photos for use on your personal and commercial projects. New photo every day.
- Gratisography - Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. New pictures added weekly.
- Jay Mantri - Free pics. Do anything. Make magic.
- Jéshoots - Photos for business or personal use in high resolution for free.
- LibreShot - A collection of hundreds of high quality free stock images for personal or commercial use.
- Life of Pix - Free high-resolution photos, no copyright restrictions. Photographs added weekly.
- Little Visuals - Hi-res images zipped up in your inbox. Use them anyway you want.
- Magdeleine - A selection of free photos curated by Magdeleine.
- MMT - New photos by Jeffrey Betts added every week.
- Moveast - This is a journey of a Portuguese guy moving.
- Negative Space - Stock photos added every week.
- Pexels - 20 new high-quality photos daily.
- Photo Crops - Five high resolution photos added every week, sometimes more.
- Pickle Jar - High-resolution images of everyday india. One new image every day.
- Pickupimage - Free download high quality premium free stock images, public domain photos.
- Pixabay - Stock photos, illustrations, vectors and videos.
- Realgraphy - Authentic Non-Stock Photos for Free. Forever.
- Realistic Shots - 7 new photos added every week.
- Skitter Photo - Public domain pictures and stock photos for commercial use.
- Skuawk - Skuawk public domain photos, free, beautiful and artistically loud.
- Snappy Goat - Over 12 million public domain & CC0 licensed images.
- Snapwire Snaps - Commissioned photos from 170,000 of the world's most talented photographers.
- SpaceX Photos - Promotional SpaceX stock photography.
- Splashbase - Search & discover free, hi-resolution photos & videos.
- Stockified - Free pictures taken in India by Kiran BV and Aditya G Bharadwaj.
- Stocksnap - Hundreds of high resolution images added weekly.
- Stokpic - Free Stock Photos For Commercial Use.
- Streetwill - Free hi-resolution vintage photos to use any way you want.
- The Pic Pac - New pacs on Monday, free pics Tuesday - Sunday.
- Travel Coffee Book - Travel photography.
- Wesaturate - A collection of completely free CC0 images in RAW and JPG formats.
These following photography resources are those who have declared their own usage and restriction terms. These can be found by clicking the (license) link next to the resource.
- Bara Art - ©️ The world always needs high quality photography! Here they are for you, so make something awesome out of them.
- Compfight.com - ©️ An image search engine tailored to efficiently locate images for blogs, comps, inspiration, and research.
- Death to the Stock Photo - ©️ Free monthly photos for all your creative needs.
- Designer Pics - ©️ Free photographs for personal and commercial by Jeshu John.
- Foodies Feed - Free food based images. ©️.
- Freerange - ©️ Quality stock photos for commercial and non-commercial use. For free.
- Good Stock Photos - ©️ One free to use photo added everyday.
- ISO Republic - ©️ ISO Republic provides exclusive free stock photos for creatives.
- Kaboom Pics - ©️ Great place to get breathtaking Free Pictures for business or personal projects.
- morgueFile - ©️ Free photo archive by creatives, for creatives.
- Photober - ©️ Free of charge photo downloading site for personal or commercial use.
- PhotoStockEditor - ©️ High-resolution weekly images for Personal & Commercial use.
- Pic Jumbo - ©️ Totally free photos for your commercial & personal works.
- Picography - ©️ Free hi-resolution photos. Use them however you like.
- Reshot - ©️ Handpicked, non-stocky images. Yours to use as you wish.
- Rawpixel - ©️ Redefining stock imagery with authentically styled and unique stock photos (Subscribe required).
- Shutteroo - ©️ Free high-resolution travel images.
- Split Shire - ©️ Real photos for commercial use with no copyright restrictions and a real look.
- Startup Stock Photos - ©️ Startup based photography.
- Unsplash - ©️ User submitted, free high-resolution photos.
A collection of links to public domain photography resources.
- Good Free Photos - ©️ A large free stock photo site with thousands of public domain photos including landscapes, objects, animals, plants, textures, and many other free photos. All photos taken by the website owner.
- Flickr Commons - ©️ Flickr's catalogue of the worlds public photo archives.
- New Old Stock - ©️ Vintage photos from the public archive. of known copyright restrictions.
- NYPL Digital Collections - ©️ 180.000 items are Public Domain since January 6th 2016 Public Domain Collections: Free to Share & Reuse
- Project Apollo Archive - ©️ High-resolution Apollo imagery scanned by NASA's Johnson Space Center.
- Public Domain Archive - ©️ New stock photos every single week.
The photographs on the following resources require Attribution unless otherwise stated on the website itself. These use a mixture of license, all of which have been linked to next to them.
- Albumarium - ©️ The "best" place to find & share beautiful images.
- BucketListly - A free creative common collection of travel photos anyone can use.
- IM Creator - Also includes Website templates and icons. Some (CC0-licensed) works, check the license before use.
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - ©️ Graphics and photos of space and spaceflight.
- PhotoEverywhere - ©️ Globe-trot our collection of high resolution Travel Stock Images More than 3600 photos that are Free to use and ready for instant download.
- Superfamous - ©️ Superfamous CC BY 3.0 licensed images by Folkert Gorter.
- UKBlackTech - ©️ Photographers of British based BAME (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic) people in tech.
- Women of Color in Tech - ©️ Licensed picture from Women of Color in Tech.
These resources haven't specified any formal terms of use or licenses.
- Freejpg - Free image bank for commercial and editorial use.
- Function - High-resolution photos by Liam McKay.
- Refe Real Life Photos - Free real life photos from REFE.
- titania foto - The free image database
- Trunklog - A collection of photos from photographer Magnus Jälthammar.
- Mockup World - A mixture of free and premium mockup in-situation templates.
- Wunderstock - 670 (and counting) free HD images for your web and design projects.
A collection of illustration resources which contain a mixture of historical archive, contemporary and public domain assets.
- Biodiversity Heritage Library ©️ ©️ A mix of Public Domain and Attribution (CC BY 2.0) licenses. Nearly 150,000 exquisite, historical illustrations of life on Earth.
- British Library Illustration Archive - ©️ The British Library’s collections on Flickr Commons offer access to millions of public domain images.
- Old Book Illustrations - ©️ A massive collection of illustrations from old books.
- unDraw - ©️ Open-source illustrations for every project you can imagine and create.
- WooBro.design - ©️ CC-BY licensed vector image illustrations with sources.
A collection of resources which contain stock graphical elements which don't fit in the other sections.
- AMCharts - Free SVG Maps - ©️ A directory of free non-commercial, attribution licensed SVG maps in two level of details: High and low.
- Facebook Design Resource - ©️ A collection for design resources from Facebook including iOS9 GUI and various popular device templates.
- Freepik - ©️ Find free vectors, PSD, icons and photos.
- FreeVectors.net - ©️ A fun little community of vector lovers who share free vector graphics.
- Humaans - ©️ CC0 licensed clipart images of humans.
- Logo Dust - ©️ Free CC Attribution 4.0 logo designs for your projects.
- Mega Doodles Pack - ©️ Free and big CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 vector pack with hand-drawn doodles for presentations, social media, blog posts and so on.
- Open Doodles - ©️ CC-0-licensed vector sketches/cliparts with generator and compositions.
- Sketch Repo - ©️ Sketch Repo is a great place to discover Sketch App resources for your next design project.
- Vecteezy - ©️ Discover & download free vector art from a community of Illustrators.
A selection of websites offering high quality video stock.
- Coverr - ©️ Beautiful, free, CC0 licensed videos for your homepage. 7 new videos every Monday.
- Life of Vids - ©️ Free royalty-free videos, clips & loops.
- Mazwai - Great collection of free creative commons HD video clips & footages. Check each video for licensing terms.
- Mixkit - ©️ High-quality stock videos that are completely free.
- Pexels Videos - ©️ Completely free, CC0 licensed stock videos.
- Pixabay - ©️ Thousands of free stock video clips & footage from community contributors.
- Videezy - ©️ Free stock videos, 4k footage, and free HD video clips.
- Vidsplay - ©️ Free HD stock footage (Attribution required).
- VYOO - ©️ Beautiful, Free Vertical Videos.
A mixture of CSS and image based pattern resources.
- CSS3 Patterns Gallery - CSS3 based repeatable patterns.
- Gradienta - ©️ Multicolor CSS Gradients, JPG Downloads, 100% Free!
- Hero Patterns - A collection of free CC Attribution 4.0 repeatable SVG background patterns.
- Low Poly Images - Collection of low poly image generators.
- Subtle Patterns - Image based background textures and patterns.
- The Pattern Library - A collection of bold, bright and funky repeatable patterns.
- UI Gradients - Nice, subtle linear gradients to use in your designs.
Websites offering images suitable for texturing objects for 3D graphics.
- TextureHaven - ©️ CC0-licensed High quality set of textures with CC0 license.
A mixture of free and open source font resources.
- Beautiful Web Type - A showcase of the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory.
- Brick - Webfonts that actually look good.
- Font Fabric - Font Fabric's free fonts.
- Font Squirrel - Handpicked fonts free for commercial use.
- Google Fonts - Interactive directory of free hosted application programming interfaces for web fonts.
- Open Type Foundry - ©️ A new platform for open-source fonts in a noise-free environment.
- The League of Movable Type - Open-source type foundry.
A collection for icon font resources, most of which also include SVGs, which can be used in your interface and website designs.
- Appa Sariicon ©️ 147 8-bit retro style webfont icons for web and mobile
- Batch Icons - ©️ Icon set of 300+ icons, which is part of inuit.css.
- Devicons - ©️ Meet Devicons, an iconic font made for developers, code jedis, ninjas, HTTPsters, evangelists and nerds(sic). 100+ icons ready to use in your next project.
- Iconfinder - Iconfinder provides beautiful icons to millions of designers and developers. Most icons are available under attribution. See individual licenses for more details.
- Font Awesome - ©️ MIT licensed icon font.
- Fontello - ©️ - Fontello is a tool to quickly pack vector images into webfonts. Also includes a section of stock icons.
- Foundation Icon Fonts 3 - ©️ An icon font from Zurb, the people behind the Foundation framework.
- IcoMoon - ©️ Custom built and crisp icon fonts, done right.
- Iconstore - ©️ Free Icons by First-Class Designers.
- Ionicons - ©️ The premium icon font for Ionic Framework. 100% free and open source.
- Ligature Symbols - ©️ Really clean icon set including all major topics.
- Material Design Icons - ©️ Google's Material Icons.
- Octicons - ©️ GitHub's Icons.
- Open Iconic - ©️ (font) ©️ (icons) Icon set with 223 marks in SVG.
- Pathlove Icons - ©️ 100+ cute and vibrant icons. Free for personal and commercial use; attribution required.
- Simple Icons -©️ Free SVG icons for popular brands.
- Social Stackicons - ©️ Icon set with over 60 social brands.
- Standart - Standart: free SVG icons for use in your project.
- To icon - ©️ Collection of SVG icons for your project.
- Topcoat Icons - ©️ Icons by Topcoat.
- Typicons - ©️ (font) ©️ (icons) Rounded icon set with 336 icons.
- Weather Icons - Weather Icons is the only icon font and CSS with 222 weather themed icons.
- WeLoveIconFonts – A free & open source icon fonts hosting service (like Google Web Fonts, but icon fonts only).
A collection for SVG icon resources which can be used in your interface and website designs.
- Entypo - ©️ Carefully crafted iconset by Daniel Bruce.
- Game Icons - ©️ A growing collection of SVG icons aimed mostly at video games.
- Heroicons - ©️ Beautiful, free SVG icons from the makers of Tailwind CSS.
- Iconmonstr - ©️ A huge selection of icons in SVG and PNG format.
- Iconoir - ©️ A Simple and Definitive Open-Source Icons Library.
- Maps Icon - ©️ Mapsicon is a free collection of maps for nearly every country in the world, available in 11 different sizes, ranging from 16x16 pixels to 1024x1024 pixels, as well as .svg format.
- Material Design Icons - A collections of free, material design style icons.
- Simple Icons - ©️ SVG icons for popular brands.
- The Noun Project - ©️ Over 150,000 icons designed by creators from around the world. Free users must give credit to the creator.
A selection of websites offering color schemes.
- 0to255 - A simple tool that helps web designers find variations of any color.
- 0xrgb - A minimalistic color picker for well-known palettes (Material, iOS, FlatUI, Metro, Tango, Solarized).
- Bootflat - Bootflat Flat UI color picker is a project digging the Flat Color Picker which gives you the perfect colors for flat designs.
- Brand Colors - Official color codes for the world's biggest brands.
- Color Hunt - A place to discover, create, and share color palettes.
- Colorful Gradients - Gradients automatically created by a computer. 48 times daily.
- Colour Lovers - A creative community where people from around the world create and share colors, palettes and patterns.
- Coolhue 2.0 - Coolest handpicked Gradient Palette and Swatch for your next super amazing stuff.
- Coolors - The super fast color schemes generator for cool designers.
- Flat UI Colors - Flat color picker which gives you the perfect colors for flat designs.
- Material Design Colors - Material ui color palette for Android, Web & iOS.
- Material Palette - Generate & export your Material Design color palette.
A liberal mixture of content aggregated from other free resources and made available at one central point.
- All The Free Stock - One stop resource for free stock images, videos, sounds and more.
- Avopix - More than 15 000 absolutely free stock photos and vectors.
- Libre Stock - Search engine for stock photo websites.
- Stock Up - Searching 9,301 (and counting) free stock photos across 25 websites.
- The Stocks - The best royalty free stock photos in one place.
Various different websites offering free HTML templates and themes.
- Bootswatch - ©️ Free themes for Bootstrap.
- HTML5 Rocket - ©️ Free HTML5 site templates.
- HTML5 Up - ©️ HTML5 UP makes spiffy HTML5 site templates.
- Start Bootstrap - ©️ Free Bootstrap templates and themes.
- Templated - ©️ A collection of 850 free CSS and HTML5 site templates, designed & built by Cherry + AJ and released under the Creative Commons.
- Themezy - ©️ Free WordPress themes and website templates.
Free resources for stock sound and music to be used on creative projects
- Bensound - ©️ Royalty free music by Bensound.
- ccMixter - ©️ ccMixter.org offers over 30,000 original tracks that can be used freely in YouTube videos, remixes, mobile apps, games, and more.
- Free Loops - ©️ Free loops and audio clip.
- Free Music Archive - ©️ An interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America.
- Freesound - ©️ Collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings and bleeps.
- Internet Archive’s Netlabels Collection - ©️ Netlabels collection hosts complete, freely downloadable/streamable.
- Jamendo - ©️ Independent music community with a large collect of creative commons licensed music.
- Jukedeck - ©️ Machine learning powered royalty-free original music.
- Sound Image - ©️ Over 1000 tracks of free music and sound effects for your projects by Eric Matyas.
- SoundBible - ©️ Thousands of free sound effects, sound clips, and straight up sounds.
- Unminus - ©️ Download Royalty Free Music for YouTube Videos, Podcasts and Apps. No Copyright CC0 Music inspired by Unsplash.
And last, but not least, a selection of the best paid resources.
- Adobe Stock - Photos, Illustrations, Vectors.
- Fotolia - Photos, Illustrations, Vectors, Videos.
- Inky Deals - Premium resources at insane discounts.
- Shutterstock - Photos, Vectors, Editorial, Footages, Music.
- Stocksy - "Cliché-free" Photos.
- Graphic River - Hand-reviewed graphic assets from a community of designers. .
And finally, if you appreciate this list and find it useful, please consider helping to support the ongoing maintenance by donating:
To the extent possible under law, Tony Phipps has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.