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Robert Hildebrandt edited this page Nov 14, 2015 · 1 revision

Welcome to the doc-style wiki!

Recommended checklist when creating the documentation of a class:

  • namespace should have documentation
    • namespace should also use the \inheaderfile command
  • \inmodule necessary
  • \inheaderfile necessary
  • \since (optional)
  • \brief necessary
  • decide, whether \reentrand or \threadsafe

API related decisions:

  • add declaration to the declarations header for (example, if you add a new class FooWidget into a module widgets, also add the declaration of FooWidget into the declarations header of the widgets module)
  • include the class header file to the namespace header file? So foo-widget.h is included from the header widgets.h, so you just need to include widgets.h to include all widgets, including the new FooWidget
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