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Roberto Prevato edited this page May 2, 2017 · 41 revisions

Following is a list of options offered by KingTable library, including events and callback methods.

Constructor options

The KingTable constructor accepts two optional parameters: the first describes normal table options; while the second allows to override prototype methods upon instantiation.

  var options = {}; // specifies normal table options (extends default options, stored in table.options)
  var staticProperties = {}; // overrides members of KingTable prototype, by name
  var table = new KingTable(options, staticProperties);

To see the default table options, analyze the KingTable.defaults object.

Following documentation lists normal options, passed with the first parameter.


Table id. This parameter is important if more than one table for a given URL are displayed in the same page. It allows to generate unique keys for caching of filters and data related to a given table.

  • type: string
  • default: null

If an id is not specified, memory keys are generated on the basis of page URL (including hash).


var a = new KingTable({ id: "one" });

// getMemoryKey is a function used internally to obtain keys to cache data for a table
var key = a.getMemoryKey("foo"); // --> "one:/rhtml-schemas.kt:::foo"


Table language. This parameter must match a property of the KingTable.regional object, otherwise an exception is risen.

  • type: string
  • default: "en"

How to implement client side localization.


Allows to specify the collection of items that must be displayed by the KingTable; making it a fixed table.

  • type: array

The array of items can be either optimized or simple.


The KingTable library is designed to help the programmers: it offers default values depending on the type of data structure it is going to display; while offering simple ways to customize the columns. The most common customization is to specify a display name for the columns. The name of the properties inside the columns option, must match the names of the items properties. Please refer to the section "columns options" for more information about the columns.

  • type: object

Example: upon render, the following table will generate an AJAX HTTP POST request to fetch data from /api/colors. It will then analyze the structure of returned items, to build its structure. Table headers will have the same name of item properties (e.g. "name" --> "name").

   var table = new KingTable({
     element: document.getElementById("table-container"),
     url: "/api/colors"


Example: upon render, the following table will generate an AJAX HTTP POST request to fetch data from /api/colors. It will then analyze the structure of returned items, to build its structure. Table headers will have the display names specified in the columns option (e.g. "name" --> "Nome").

   var table = new KingTable({
     element: document.getElementById("table-container"),
     url: "/api/colors",
     columns: {
        name: "Nome" // in this example, hardcoded IT name is used for the sake of simplicity



Allows to specify a table caption. Displaying the table caption is responsibility of the configured builder.

  • type: string
  • default: null


Initial page number. NB: by default, page number is cached in localStorage and restored upon page refresh. If caching of filters is enabled (default), this option is used only the first time a table is rendered.

  • type: number
  • default: 1


Initial page size. NB: by default, page size is cached in localStorage and restored upon page refresh.

  • type: number
  • default: 30


Default selectable options for page size.

  • type: array of numbers
  • default: [10, 30, 50, 100, 200]


Allows to specify the name of the property that should be used as id of the items. This is used to generate links to details URLs, if the option detailRoute is used. For more information, see the dedicated documentation.

  • type: string
  • default: null


Allows to define an initial text search.

  • type: string
  • default: null


The suffix to use for auto generated properties holding formatted values. Formatted values are culture dependent string representations of values, that can be used during textual searches. Original values are kept for sorting.

  • type: string
  • default: "_(formatted)"


The default column schema to use as a base for each column.

  • type: object
  • default:
  columnDefault: {
    name: "",         // display name of column
    type: "text",     // type of data 
    sortable: true,   // whether to allow sort by this column
    allowSearch: true,// whether to allow text search by this column
    hidden: false,    // allows to hide column (can still be displayed editing menu options)
    secret: false,    // allows to hide completely the column
    format: undefined // allows to define a formatting function for values


Whether to allow text search. Unlike the allowSearch option for columns, this option affects only user interface: search can still be performed by programmer calling the method.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Whether to display item numbers. By default, row numbers are displayed.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


The number of minimum search text length, required to trigger an actual text search. This option is meant to avoid firing searches with short strings (by default, short mean 1 or 2 characters).

  • type: number
  • default: 3


Default export formats.

  • type: object
  • default:
  exportFormats: [
      name: "Csv",
      format: "csv",
      type: "text/csv",
      cs: true  // client side
      name: "Json",
      format: "json",
      type: "application/json",
      cs: true  // client side
      name: "Xml",
      format: "xml",
      type: "text/xml",
      cs: true  // client side


Whether to prettify xml when exporting, or not.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Allows to specify csv serialization options.

  • type: object
  • default: {}


Whether to include hidden properties in the output of client side export.

  • type: boolean
  • default: false


The name of builder used to represent the table. This parameter must match a property of the object, otherwise an exception is risen.

  • type: string
  • default: "rhtml"

How to implement custom table builders.


Allows to define a function that returns data required to render the table itself. This is commonly necessary, for example, when an AJAX request is required to fetch filters information; such as dictionaries or arrays of possible types for select elements, a minimum value for a selectable date, etc. If specified, the function must return a Promise object or an object that 'quacks' like one; otherwise an exception is thrown. By default, the result of the AJAX request is cached using the HTML5 localStorage.

  • type: function
  • default: null

For example, imagine that your custom filters view need to display a select element with a series of options (types and statuses); and these options need to be fetched from server side.

  getTableData: function() {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      // TODO: implement your logic to fetch table specific data (e.g. an AJAX request)
      // resolve promise with return object (reject in case of AJAX error)
        types: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],
        statuses: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]


Whether to cache the result of the getTableData function in the storage returned by getDataStorage function (default HTML5 localStorage). By default this result is cached on client side, which can be useful to reduce the amount of AJAX requests.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


The size of LRU caching mechanism used to store page data, in other words how many sets of items per key can be stored. For further information, see the dedicated wiki page.

  • type: number
  • default: 10


LRU cache max age in milliseconds - default 15 minutes (601e315 ms). Set to a value <= 0 to disable expiration. For further information, see the dedicated wiki page.

  • type: number
  • default: 10


Whether the anchor timestamp should be shown or not, that is the time at which data for a given set of filters (page number, size, order by) was collected. This is important for usability: the user should know when the data he's seeing was fetched by her client.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


The name of the collection used when generating output for the client side export feature (for example, for XML output).

  • type: string
  • default: "data"


Whether to override normal sort by criteria, during textual search. KingTable client side algorithm for searching by string also sorts objects by relevance. Usually this is true full text search implementations. In other words, during a text search, values are sorted by relevance and not by normal "order by" criteria.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Whether values that generate search match should be automatically highlighted by table builder, or not.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Columns options

Following is a description of columns options.


The name that should be displayed inside the table header. By default, if not specified, the object property name is used. When instantiating a KingTable, it is possible to pass just the display name as column schema.

  • type: string
  • default: == property name


Whether the column should be displayed at all. If true, the column is not displayed by table at all.

  • type: boolean
  • default: undefined


Whether the column should be hidden. If true, the column is not displayed by default, but can still be made visible by user, using the columns menu (Rich HTML builder).

  • type: boolean
  • default: false


Whether the column should allow sorting. This option affects only user interface: sorting can still be performed by programmer calling the table.sortBy method.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Allows to define the column type; used by the object KingTable.Schemas.DefaultByType. This value doesn't represent the default JavaScript types, but something more descriptive. For example, in javascript typeof [] gives "Object"; but the KingTable object analyzer is more specific, and returns "array" as property type. When obtaining the columns schema; the KingTable first analyzes the structure of the first item inside its collection; then applies the default properties by found type.

  • type: string
  • default: "text"

The object KingTable.Schemas.DefaultByType is meant to be extended with custom logic; following what is returned by the default object analyzer.

_.extend(KingTable.Schemas.DefaultByType, {
  boolean: function (columnSchema, objSchema) {
    return {
      sortable: true,
      html: function (item) { return "HTML FRAGMENT"; },
      position: 990


KingTable library includes an implementation of events emitter. Custom events are used to decouple business logic from presentation-specific logic. Following is a list of custom events raised by instances of KingTable.


Raised before the table element is emptied, during HTML rendering.

  • input: HTML element (table element)


Raised when there are no results to display.

  • input: none


Raised when Promise to fetch list data (items to display) fails.

  • input: none


Raised when Promise to fetch table specific data fails (promise returned by getTableData function).

  • input: none


Raised before starting to fetch items to display. This function is fired also when data is obtained from cache.

  • input: none


Raised when items to display are fetched successfully. If multiple requests start at the same time, only the last one fires this event. This function is fired also when data is obtained from cache.

  • input: none


Raised when a Promise to fetch items to display is rejected. If multiple requests start at the same time, only the last one fires this event. This function is fired also when data is obtained from cache.

  • input: none


Always raised when a Promise to fetch items ends, regardless of its result. This function is fired also when data is obtained from cache.

  • input: none


Raised before starting to fetch items to display. This function is fired only when data is not obtained from cache (promise returned by getFetchPromise function).

  • input: none


Raised after items to display are fetched. This function is fired only when data is not obtained from cache (promise returned by getFetchPromise function).

  • input: none


Raised when the pagination changes.

  • input: none


Raised when filters are restored from cache.

  • input: filters object
table.on("restore:filters", function (filters) {



Raised when filters are stored inside the cache.

  • input: filters object
table.on("store:filters", function (filters) {



Raised when the table is hard-refreshed - refreshing also cached data.

  • input: none


Raised when the table text search is emptied.

  • input: none


Raised when table text search is active.

  • input: none
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