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Decorators for creating xsd schemas.


npm install xsd-decorators --save


1. Annotate class

import {XSDComplexType, XSDElement} from "xsd-decorators";

  choices: {
    [PurchaseOrder.PaymentChoice]: {
      minOccurs: 1,
      maxOccurs: 1
export class PurchaseOrder {

  private static readonly PaymentChoice = 'payment-choice';

  dateTime: Date;

    minOccurs: 1,
    maxOccurs: 1,
  shipTo: Customer;

    minOccurs: 1,
    maxOccurs: 1,
  billTo: Customer;

    enumeration: ['same-day', 'express', 'lazy']
  delivery: string;

    choiceName: PurchaseOrder.PaymentChoice
  payPalPayment: PayPalPayment;

    choiceName: PurchaseOrder.PaymentChoice
  creditCardPayment: CreditCardPayment;

    maxOccurs: 10,
    maxLength: 250
  comment: string;

  items: Items;


(Click here for full example )

2. Create schema

import {createSchemaXml} from "xsd-decorators";

const xml = createSchemaXml({
  elementName: 'purchaseOrder',
  target: PurchaseOrder,
  targetNamespace: '',
  namespaces: {
    wsdl: ''


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<xsd:schema attributeFormDefault='unqualified' elementFormDefault='unqualified' xmlns:xsd='' targetNamespace='' xmlns:wsdl=''>
  <xsd:element name='purchaseOrder' type='tns:PurchaseOrder'/>
  <xsd:complexType name='PurchaseOrder'>
      <xsd:element name='shipTo' type='tns:Customer' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>
      <xsd:element name='billTo' type='tns:Customer' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>
      <xsd:element name='delivery' type='tns:deliveryType'/>
      <xsd:element name='comment' type='tns:Length0-250Type' maxOccurs='10'/>
      <xsd:element name='items' type='tns:Items'/>
      <xsd:choice minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'>
        <xsd:element name='payPalPayment' type='tns:PayPalPayment'/>
        <xsd:element name='creditCardPayment' type='tns:CreditCardPayment'/>
    <xsd:attribute name='dateTime' type='xsd:dateTime'/>
  <xsd:complexType name='PayPalPayment'/>
  <xsd:complexType name='CreditCardPayment'/>
  <xsd:complexType name='Customer'>
      <xsd:element name='name' type='xsd:string'/>
      <xsd:element name='street' type='xsd:string'/>
      <xsd:element name='city' type='xsd:string'/>
      <xsd:element name='state' type='xsd:string'/>
      <xsd:element name='zip' type='xsd:decimal'/>
    <xsd:attribute name='country' type='xsd:string'/>
  <xsd:complexType name='Items'>
      <xsd:element name='item' type='tns:Item' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
      <xsd:element name='totalWeight' type='tns:totalWeightSimpleContentType'/>
  <xsd:complexType name='Item'>
      <xsd:element name='productName' type='xsd:string'/>
      <xsd:element name='quantity' type='xsd:int'/>
      <xsd:element name='price' type='xsd:decimal'/>
      <xsd:element name='comment' type='xsd:string'/>
    <xsd:attribute name='partNum' type='tns:SKU'/>
  <xsd:complexType name='totalWeightSimpleContentType'>
      <xsd:extension base='xsd:int'>
        <xsd:attribute name='unit' type='xsd:string'/>
  <xsd:simpleType name='deliveryType'>
    <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'>
      <xsd:enumeration value='same-day'/>
      <xsd:enumeration value='express'/>
      <xsd:enumeration value='lazy'/>
  <xsd:simpleType name='Length0-250Type'>
    <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'>
      <xsd:pattern value='^.{0,250}$'/>
  <xsd:simpleType name='SKU'>
    <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'>
      <xsd:pattern value='\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}'/>

xsd-decorators uses xml-decorators, which uses js2xmlparser, for serialization. So if you want to retrieve the js2xmlparser schema call createJsonSchema with the same options.


complex type options

name type description
name? string Alternative name of complex type. Overrides inferred name of class.
suffix? string Adds a suffix to the name of complex type.
prefix? string Adds a prefix to the name of complex type.
choices? {[name: string]: } Key/value pairs, for defining choice options for specified key/choice name.

element options

name type description
type? xsd primitive type|Class type The type of the xsd:element. Normally the type value will be inferred from the type annotation, but this is not always possible.
simpleTypeName? string Overrides inferred simple type name.
choiceName? string Identifies to which choice the annotated element belongs.
minOccurs? number see (w3: declare an element)[]
maxOccurs? number see (w3: declare an element)[]
minLength? number Creates a xsd:pattern to restrict the length of the elements value to the specified value. (TODO: use native minLength instead)
maxLength? number Creates a xsd:pattern to restrict the length of the elements value to the specified value. (TODO: use native minLength instead)
enumeration? Array<number|string> A list of valid values for the annotated element.
pattern? RegExp Restricts the value of the annotated element by a specified regular expression.
attributes? {[attrName: string]: } Defines attributes for the xsd:element. (Only available for primitive types or primitive arrays - For complex types, define attributes with the attribute annotation in the corresponding class)

attribute options

name type description
type? xsd primitive type|Class type The type of the xsd:element. Normally the type value will be inferred from the type annotation, but this is not always possible.
simpleTypeName? string Overrides inferred simple type name.
minLength? number Creates a xsd:pattern to restrict the length of the elements value to the specified value. (TODO: use native minLength instead)
maxLength? number Creates a xsd:pattern to restrict the length of the elements value to the specified value. (TODO: use native minLength instead)
enumeration? Array<number|string> A list of valid values for the annotated element.
pattern? RegExp Restricts the value of the annotated element by a specified regular expression.

type inference

The following javascript types can automatically inferred to a xsd type

js type xsd primitive type
String xsd:string
Number xsd:int
Date xsd:dateTime
Boolean xsd:boolean

When passing a class/constructor function with @XSDComplexType annotation, xsd-decorators automatically resolves the xsd type for you.


  • xsd:annotation
  • xsd:attribute
  • xsd:choice (implicit through decorator options)
  • xsd:complexType
  • xsd:element
  • xsd:group
  • xsd:import
  • xsd:include
  • xsd:restrictions (implicit through decorator options)
    • xsd:enumeration
    • xsd:fractionDigits
    • xsd:length
    • xsd:maxExclusive
    • xsd:maxInclusive
    • xsd:maxLength
    • xsd:minExclusive
    • xsd:minInclusive
    • xsd:minLength
    • xsd:pattern
    • xsd:totalDigits
    • xsd:whiteSpace
  • xsd:simpleType (implicit through decorator options)
  • ...


Decorators for creating xsd schemas.







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