Decorators for creating xsd schemas.
npm install xsd-decorators --save
import {XSDComplexType, XSDElement} from "xsd-decorators";
choices: {
[PurchaseOrder.PaymentChoice]: {
minOccurs: 1,
maxOccurs: 1
export class PurchaseOrder {
private static readonly PaymentChoice = 'payment-choice';
dateTime: Date;
minOccurs: 1,
maxOccurs: 1,
shipTo: Customer;
minOccurs: 1,
maxOccurs: 1,
billTo: Customer;
enumeration: ['same-day', 'express', 'lazy']
delivery: string;
choiceName: PurchaseOrder.PaymentChoice
payPalPayment: PayPalPayment;
choiceName: PurchaseOrder.PaymentChoice
creditCardPayment: CreditCardPayment;
maxOccurs: 10,
maxLength: 250
comment: string;
items: Items;
(Click here for full example )
import {createSchemaXml} from "xsd-decorators";
const xml = createSchemaXml({
elementName: 'purchaseOrder',
target: PurchaseOrder,
targetNamespace: '',
namespaces: {
wsdl: ''
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<xsd:schema attributeFormDefault='unqualified' elementFormDefault='unqualified' xmlns:xsd='' targetNamespace='' xmlns:wsdl=''>
<xsd:element name='purchaseOrder' type='tns:PurchaseOrder'/>
<xsd:complexType name='PurchaseOrder'>
<xsd:element name='shipTo' type='tns:Customer' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>
<xsd:element name='billTo' type='tns:Customer' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>
<xsd:element name='delivery' type='tns:deliveryType'/>
<xsd:element name='comment' type='tns:Length0-250Type' maxOccurs='10'/>
<xsd:element name='items' type='tns:Items'/>
<xsd:choice minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'>
<xsd:element name='payPalPayment' type='tns:PayPalPayment'/>
<xsd:element name='creditCardPayment' type='tns:CreditCardPayment'/>
<xsd:attribute name='dateTime' type='xsd:dateTime'/>
<xsd:complexType name='PayPalPayment'/>
<xsd:complexType name='CreditCardPayment'/>
<xsd:complexType name='Customer'>
<xsd:element name='name' type='xsd:string'/>
<xsd:element name='street' type='xsd:string'/>
<xsd:element name='city' type='xsd:string'/>
<xsd:element name='state' type='xsd:string'/>
<xsd:element name='zip' type='xsd:decimal'/>
<xsd:attribute name='country' type='xsd:string'/>
<xsd:complexType name='Items'>
<xsd:element name='item' type='tns:Item' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xsd:element name='totalWeight' type='tns:totalWeightSimpleContentType'/>
<xsd:complexType name='Item'>
<xsd:element name='productName' type='xsd:string'/>
<xsd:element name='quantity' type='xsd:int'/>
<xsd:element name='price' type='xsd:decimal'/>
<xsd:element name='comment' type='xsd:string'/>
<xsd:attribute name='partNum' type='tns:SKU'/>
<xsd:complexType name='totalWeightSimpleContentType'>
<xsd:extension base='xsd:int'>
<xsd:attribute name='unit' type='xsd:string'/>
<xsd:simpleType name='deliveryType'>
<xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'>
<xsd:enumeration value='same-day'/>
<xsd:enumeration value='express'/>
<xsd:enumeration value='lazy'/>
<xsd:simpleType name='Length0-250Type'>
<xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'>
<xsd:pattern value='^.{0,250}$'/>
<xsd:simpleType name='SKU'>
<xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'>
<xsd:pattern value='\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}'/>
xsd-decorators uses xml-decorators,
which uses js2xmlparser, for serialization.
So if you want to retrieve the js2xmlparser schema call createJsonSchema
with the same
name | type | description |
name? | string | Alternative name of complex type. Overrides inferred name of class. |
suffix? | string | Adds a suffix to the name of complex type. |
prefix? | string | Adds a prefix to the name of complex type. |
choices? | {[name: string]: } | Key/value pairs, for defining choice options for specified key/choice name. |
name | type | description |
type? | xsd primitive type|Class type | The type of the xsd:element. Normally the type value will be inferred from the type annotation, but this is not always possible. |
simpleTypeName? | string | Overrides inferred simple type name. |
choiceName? | string | Identifies to which choice the annotated element belongs. |
minOccurs? | number | see (w3: declare an element)[] |
maxOccurs? | number | see (w3: declare an element)[] |
minLength? | number | Creates a xsd:pattern to restrict the length of the elements value to the specified value. (TODO: use native minLength instead) |
maxLength? | number | Creates a xsd:pattern to restrict the length of the elements value to the specified value. (TODO: use native minLength instead) |
enumeration? | Array<number|string> | A list of valid values for the annotated element. |
pattern? | RegExp | Restricts the value of the annotated element by a specified regular expression. |
attributes? | {[attrName: string]: } | Defines attributes for the xsd:element. (Only available for primitive types or primitive arrays - For complex types, define attributes with the attribute annotation in the corresponding class) |
name | type | description |
type? | xsd primitive type|Class type | The type of the xsd:element. Normally the type value will be inferred from the type annotation, but this is not always possible. |
simpleTypeName? | string | Overrides inferred simple type name. |
minLength? | number | Creates a xsd:pattern to restrict the length of the elements value to the specified value. (TODO: use native minLength instead) |
maxLength? | number | Creates a xsd:pattern to restrict the length of the elements value to the specified value. (TODO: use native minLength instead) |
enumeration? | Array<number|string> | A list of valid values for the annotated element. |
pattern? | RegExp | Restricts the value of the annotated element by a specified regular expression. |
The following javascript types can automatically inferred to a xsd type
js type | xsd primitive type |
String | xsd:string |
Number | xsd:int |
Date | xsd:dateTime |
Boolean | xsd:boolean |
When passing a class/constructor function with @XSDComplexType
xsd-decorators automatically resolves the xsd type for you.
- xsd:annotation
- xsd:attribute
- xsd:choice (implicit through decorator options)
- xsd:complexType
- xsd:element
- xsd:group
- xsd:import
- xsd:include
- xsd:restrictions (implicit through decorator options)
- xsd:enumeration
- xsd:fractionDigits
- xsd:length
- xsd:maxExclusive
- xsd:maxInclusive
- xsd:maxLength
- xsd:minExclusive
- xsd:minInclusive
- xsd:minLength
- xsd:pattern
- xsd:totalDigits
- xsd:whiteSpace
- xsd:simpleType (implicit through decorator options)
- ...