A graphical client for ssl-vision that receives multicast packages and shows them in a web-ui.
If you just want to use this app, simply download the latest release binary. The binary is self-contained. No dependencies are required.
You need to install following dependencies first:
- Go >= 1.9
- Node
- Yarn
Download and install to GOPATH:
go get -u github.com/RoboCup-SSL/ssl-vision-client/...
Switch to project root directory
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/RoboCup-SSL/ssl-vision-client/
Download dependencies for frontend
yarn install
Run the backend:
go run cmd/ssl-vision-client/main.go
Run the UI:
# compile and hot-reload
yarn serve
Or use the provided IntelliJ run configurations.
First, build the UI resources
# compile and minify UI
yarn build
Then build the backend with packr
# get packr
go get github.com/gobuffalo/packr/packr
# install the binary
cd cmd/ssl-vision-client
packr install