-> Changing PR2 definition
- The file gripper.urdf.xacro in the folder defs has the addition of the spatula and should replace the original one located under pr2_description/urdf/gripper_v0.
-> Adding CDS controller representation file
- In the folder pr2_example/owl, the file gmm.owl should be copied in knowrob_seds/owl and added in init.pl.
-> In a Shell
- Bring up Gazebo simulation, prolog, CDS controller, etc. roslaunch pr2_example pr2_example.launch
-> In Emacs Shell
Run CRAM executive in roslisp_repl roslisp_repl , r-l-s pr2_example pr2-example
(in-package :pr2-example)
- Initialize Controllers
- Basic Command to move PR2 close to objects (Hack, should do it automously i.e. with location designator) (ini)
-> After Controllers are initiated etc, In another Shell * Load right arm parameters to enable comfortable IK for initial reaching $ roslaunch pr2_example rcart_conf.launch
-> In another Shell * Run Cartesian Controller (interface between PR2 Cartesian Controller fed by CDS Controller) $ rosrun pr2_example cartesian_controller
-> Back to Emacs Shell *Execute pancake plan (make-a-pancake)