- 以上大学logo产权归属相应大学;
- 大学名称统一采用wiki上大学条目的英文翻译
- 使用以上资源请遵守当地法律,请勿用于非法用途;
- fork本项目
- 已大学英文名称简历相应文件夹(如果相应文件夹已创建,这步忽略)
- 增加/修改/删除校徽,格式"name_color_widthxheight.format"
- 提交merge request到本项目
This project is a collection of (RoboMaster teams) university logos used as a basic introduction of robomaster team.
- The copyright of logo belongs to the corresponding university;
- The names of universities are from the english wikipedia;
- Please follow your local laws when using these logos resources;
- Fork this repo;
- Create a directory using the name of university. (Ignore this step if the target directory exists.)
- ADD/UPDATE/DELETE university logo with a name convention of "name_color_widthxheight.format"
- Create a merge pull request.