HTML April1 extension.
Example template:
var template = A.template (
A.html (
A.head (
A.title (A.insert ('title'))
A.body (
A.h1 (A.insert ('title')),
A.p ('Hello, World.'),
A.h1 ('List:'),
A.ul (
A.list (
'items', ( (A.insert ('id')),
A.p (
A.insert ('text'),
A.img (
A.inClass ('item image'),
A.src (
A.insert ('id')
Example values:
var values = {
title: 'Test',
items: [
{ id: 'item_1', text: 'This is the first item.' },
{ id: 'item_2', text: 'This is the second item.' }
Generate string:
var result = A.string (template, values);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body><h1>Test</h1><p>Hello, World.</p><h1>List:</h1><ul>
<li id="item_1"><p>This is the first item.
<img class="item image" src="/img/item_1"/></p></li>
<li id="item_2"><p>This is the second item.
<img class="item image" src="/img/item_2"/></p></li>
Note that no extra whitespace is added to output.
Actual result has no line breaks, unless explicitly added with \n